This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the community

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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby mikes » Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:15 pm

I paid not only for product functionality, but to support an open source project. Your view simply doesn't count, Sindre has broken a promise.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby toolman » Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:50 pm

As far as I know Sindre never promised that Subsonic would be an eternal open source project.
If you don't like Subsonic anymore than move on.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby subpost » Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:52 am

toolman wrote:As far as I know Sindre never promised that Subsonic would be an eternal open source project.

Of course not. And he never promised it will be a media streamer for all eternity.
toolman wrote:If you don't like Subsonic anymore than move on.

Was about do dig deeper into some bugs and make proper reports / PRs. But I guess I will just follow your advise then.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby LRanger » Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:45 am

toolman wrote:
mikes wrote:
kayzlot1 wrote:The closed-source angle was needed due to the video transcoding.
No. It's possible to distribute closed-source separately. It did not force the whole project to be closed. He certainly has a right to change to closed source, but the way he did it was dishonest - producing a series of open source beta code, then going closed source with the release.

Everyone can start on developing a fork of Subsonic starting from version Subsonic 6.0.beta2 - Mar 20, 2016. Yet I haven't seen anyone go that way.

You don't seem to be looking very hard, there's on github, but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby toolman » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:10 am

So there's one fork without much succes.
Reading all the commotion around SIndre going closed-source, that's disappointing.
Oh well, seems that the majority of Subsonic-users doesn't have any problem with Sindre's decision.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby mrfloppy » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:24 pm

My subscription ended last september and I switched to libresonic with a mysql database. That what i always wanted. No more corrupt hsql databases ... and open source.
It's stable an got all the features I need.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby ericvonnine » Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:11 pm

Been a lifetime subscriber since 5.3 and I am really disappointed by the license change with no notification. Unfortunately (IIUC) I am stuck on 6.0 and have to downgrade or go for a completely fresh install to switch to libresonic. Being able to see the source (and hack on it to fix the occasional issue even if it wouldn't ever get merged) is critical for me. I will be making the move to libresonic as soon as I can figure out how to make it happen.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby frnx » Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:47 pm

Completely agree on being able to see the source and help or hack on it, this has always been a non-negotiable point for me as well.

General instructions for migrating from Subsonic 5.3 to Libresonic 6.1 are here. If you want to clean up your database from what's been introduced in Subsonic 6.0, you can also see comments in here. And don't forget backups! 8)
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby apastuszak » Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:53 pm

The open vs closed source thing really doesn't bother me. I'm more concerned about the fact the Sidre hasn't posted a single message on the forums since September. An "I'm alive and working on 6.0.1" post would be very welcome. When I look at his userID, I see he logged in 2 weeks ago, but he probably read this thread and said "Why do I even bother?"

I understand that the lack of open source is a deal breaker for some. I prefer open source, but don't require it.

As for Libresonic. Libresonic started life as Subsonic-Kang, which was simply subsonic with the licensing code removed. When Sindre closed the source to Subsonic, Kang became Libresonic. But, looking at the repository, it seems the maintainer of that code only knew how to remove the licensing code and compile a war, since more than half of the bugs files say "Patches Welcome" on them. That's not a bad thing. It's more coding than I know how to do. But unless a community builds around that code base, it's not going to go anywhere.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby texxasrulez » Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:00 pm

I personally think this forum is totally out of line. I have used Subsonic since it very early days. I donated money when it was open sourced and no money necessary. I was rewarded with a lifetime subscription for my gratitude, plus I still donate when I have money. Anyway, 12 dollars a year is nothing to ask for compared to what one gains in return. Sindre works his @$$ off and this is what he gets in return. Maybe he is busy, or maybe he just doesn't want to stoop to this level and retort. I am here to defend Sindre and tell him I love his work and if you do not like the fact he closed his code, go somewhere else, use something else, there are alternatives and just keep your nasty remarks to yourself. Maybe you can put your money where your mouth is and fork the previous open source code and work your @$$ off and get nothing in return for your work and get complaints for something you spend HOURS of your life working on ...
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby CM1973 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:55 pm

texxasrulez wrote:Maybe you can put your money where your mouth is and fork the previous open source code and work your @$$ off and get nothing in return for your work and get complaints for something you spend HOURS of your life working on ...

I couldn't agree more with this. I'm also a long time subscriber - I love the product, I use it as my main audio player, and I couldn't care less that it was close sourced. If open source is a serious issue for you, then there's an adult way to go about discussing it (and as texxasrulez points out, since you are tinkering so much, I very much look forward to your contributions to libresonic) - but publicly throwing the developer under the bus IN HIS OWN FORUM was certainly not it.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby mikes » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:56 am

texxasrulez wrote:Maybe you can put your money where your mouth ...
People already have - they contributed money to what was sold as an open source project.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby apastuszak » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:00 pm

And we have proof of life!


That's all I needed.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby CM1973 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:23 pm

mikes wrote:People already have - they contributed money to what was sold as an open source project.

'...sold as an open source project...' :roll:
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby apastuszak » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:58 pm

CM1973 wrote:
mikes wrote:People already have - they contributed money to what was sold as an open source project.

'...sold as an open source project...' :roll:

You are allowed to sell open source software. There is no clause against the sale of GPLed software.
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