Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby IdiotProof » Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:01 am


Just download the beta from here and Defender (Windows 10) block it to quarantine for Trojan:Win32/Varpes.L!plock, first time i got something from here with such attachment.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby insann » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:01 am

ebasta wrote:
insann wrote:Hi,
little comment hope it will be read by the big guys of this Great project ( specially you sindre ! )

Could you add a new shortcut like all artiste ?
i mean near recently added, more played,... all artiste

because i mapped like this
genre/artiste/album/track artiste - title

and sometimes its better to see all artiste instant of all genres !

i know its a little function to add but i can't help you by pasting code here

Would be great :
Sincerely Thanks


The "INDEX" button is the one you want, yes?

Naa , almost yeah but not with my mapping structure like i sayd :
because i mapped like this
genre/artiste/album/track artiste - title

So i only see All genres ! ( this is why we may need to set some more settings to config wich kind of map you use for you're librairy )
I could just copy past all librairy and make 2 different 1 accesing by genre another by artistes but i'm not really space free on my hdd !

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby acroyear » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:17 am

I don't think so. The Index is what will bring things up sorted by genre first (assuming all the genre's are in one top-level MusicFolder).

The API has an "artists" mode where one can see the artists as ID3 sees them, ignoring folder structure, but AFAIK the standard web UI does not use that feature. The API can also list albums in artist name order for a folder, but again, that is not a feature available in the main UI.

SubFire supports both of those features, and so do a few other clients. The official Android client does not, nor does Jamstash.

ebasta wrote:
insann wrote:Hi,
Could you add a new shortcut like all artiste ?
i mean near recently added, more played,... all artiste
because i mapped like this
genre/artiste/album/track artiste - title
and sometimes its better to see all artiste instant of all genres !

The "INDEX" button is the one you want, yes?
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby ocknoz » Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:10 am

sindre_mehus wrote:No upfront conversion necessary (but still possible as a fallback)

Yay, I worried that this might be a deal-breaker for me.
Thank you for making this optional.

sindre_mehus wrote:I'm really excited about this, as I think it's a major step forward for video in Subsonic :)

So am I, can't wait to try out the next beta!
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby drewsky » Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:35 pm

I created a new thread about this under "Feature Requests", but I thought I'd post here as well:

Any chance an option for integration with DUO for 2-factor authentication could be added to the new version of the app?

Thanks in advance for all the work done!
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby NoahJenda » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:01 pm

I'm generally a huge fan of this release. My only issues are with the UI for shares.

1) The bottom of album art gets cut off. Note how the "Greatest Hits" text below the photo is almost completely gone. (see first image)

2) The song / artist is only shown for the first track and disappears as soon as the PLAY button is clicked. (see first and second image)

3) I can see the list of tracks from the list button on the bottom tool bar, but that's not super intuitive. Also, it's confused by an apostrophe in a song title. (see third image)



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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:43 am

I've changed the player for shared media significantly since the first beta (replaced JW Player with Flowplayer), so stay tuned for the next version :)

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:57 am

IceFreak2000 wrote:
acroyear wrote:Can you also echo the request headers for the two?

Content-Range in bytes only seems to come when the Range: header is sent by the client, so it would give a hint as to whether or not the work browser is doing something oddly wrong or if your office firewall is at fault.

I know with Chrome <= 39 (the original FireOS platform was on this version), it did not send a Range header, and that was when I was getting 'Infinity' for duration in SubFire.



Code: Select all
GET /stream?player=20&id=57193&auth=48811667 HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1, *;q=0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.75 Safari/537.36
Accept: */*
DNT: 1
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6
Cookie: player-null=20; JSESSIONID=1bm0gunv3mqe1; player-6564=20
Range: bytes=0-


Code: Select all
Date:Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:52:17 GMT
Expires:Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie:player-6564=20;Path=/;Expires=Tue, 07-Mar-17 12:52:17 GMT
Via:1.1 ip.address.removed:80 (Cisco-WSA/9.0.1-162)



Code: Select all
GET /stream?player=20&id=57193&auth=48811667 HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1, *;q=0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36
Accept: */*
DNT: 1
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6
Cookie: JSESSIONID=qxnzagsy9nj4; player-6564=20
Range: bytes=0-


Code: Select all
Content-Range:bytes 0-12519999/12520000
Date:Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:57:03 GMT
Expires:Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie:player-6564=20;Path=/;Expires=Tue, 07-Mar-17 12:57:04 GMT

Is your Subsonic server somehow running behind an IIS server? Notice the "Server:Microsoft-IIS/8.5" response header.
Maybe that can explain it?

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby IceFreak2000 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:31 am

sindre_mehus wrote:Is your Subsonic server somehow running behind an IIS server? Notice the "Server:Microsoft-IIS/8.5" response header.
Maybe that can explain it?


Hi Sindre,

I've had Subsonic running behind ARR for a couple of years and have used it on a almost daily basis from work - the issues have only started with 6.0 beta 1 and the move to an HTML5 player. It looks as though the Content-Range header is being stripped by the office Cisco WSA unit which is causing the problem - this seems to be the only environment where the issue is surfacing.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby RemkoM » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:56 pm


Just switched back from a very brief dance with Madsonic, but im very pleased with the new beta! love it.. I like the fact that is so clean and "basic" Madsonic has too much bells and whistles in my opinion.

About the new artist index, im not sure, i think you have to use it for a while to get used to it. It might help if you put the alphabet shortcuts op top, so that after clicking the index link, you don't have to travel the complete screen to the right side to jump to a letter.

what i'm also wondering is the "Enable Foldername Parsing" coming back?
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby NoahJenda » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:16 pm

Found another odd bug that I can reproduce consistently:

If I create a playlist in a program such as WinAmp or MusicBee and then import the m3u file, the playlist is always missing the first track and starts with track two.

This is a new one, as I never had that problem with older versions of Subsonic. Not a big deal, since I can just add some filler as track one to have the playlist import correctly, but it's still weird.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby bluetooth » Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:34 pm

Recently played and Most Played stats don't seem to be updating with this release. Nothing strange in the log. This is the log after the song has been playing for a couple of minutes.

[3/18/16 8:31:57 AM CDT] INFO HsqlDaoHelper Checking database schema.
[3/18/16 8:32:00 AM CDT] INFO HsqlDaoHelper Done checking database schema.
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO SettingsService Java: 1.8.0_31, OS: Windows 8
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved local Subsonic version to: 6.0.beta1
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO MediaScannerService Automatic media library scanning scheduled to run every 1 day(s), starting at Sat Mar 19 03:00:00 CDT 2016
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO UPnPService Starting UPnP service...
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO PodcastService Automatic Podcast update scheduled to run every 24 hour(s), starting at Fri Mar 18 08:37:01 CDT 2016
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO UPnPService Disabling UPnP/DLNA media server
[3/18/16 8:32:01 AM CDT] INFO UPnPService Starting UPnP service - Done!
[3/18/16 8:32:06 AM CDT] INFO BootstrapVerificationFilter Servlet container: jetty-6.1.x
[3/18/16 8:32:08 AM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved latest Subsonic final version to: 5.3
[3/18/16 8:32:08 AM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved latest Subsonic beta version to: 6.0.beta1
[3/18/16 8:32:11 AM CDT] INFO NetworkService Deleted port mapping for port 81
[3/18/16 8:32:25 AM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /stream?player=4&id=91582&auth=976398512, Range: bytes=0-
[3/18/16 8:32:25 AM CDT] INFO StreamController Content-Length: 10221573
[3/18/16 8:32:25 AM CDT] INFO StreamController Content-Range: 0-10221572/10221573
[3/18/16 8:32:26 AM CDT] INFO StreamController Wrote 10221573 bytes of 10221573 requested
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby acroyear » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:51 pm

bluetooth wrote:Recently played and Most Played stats don't seem to be updating with this release. Nothing strange in the log. This is the log after the song has been playing for a couple of minutes.

This has already been reported and is a known issue. Not sure where in the priority it is for the next beta, of course.
Joe Shelby
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby bluetooth » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:54 pm

Thanks Joe.

As far as bugs go, this is more of an annoyance than much else.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta1 released

Postby phred » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:54 am

NoahJenda wrote:Found another odd bug that I can reproduce consistently:
If I create a playlist in a program such as WinAmp or MusicBee and then import the m3u file, the playlist is always missing the first track and starts with track two.

Try creating your playlists in .pls or .m3u8 format. They both fixed the 'first track missing' issue for me.
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