Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:29 pm


- UI enhancements

- bug fixes

- dynamic fab color now works for podcast. if art was downloaded before version 0.2.2 cache will have to be cleared. (in settings menu)
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:55 am

- now playing indicator has been removed and replaced with a mini player that slides in from bottom of page

- app now correctly hides options users do not have role for (podcast administration, downloads)

- license date now counts down days till expiration

- app now manages it's own downloads. no more launching a chrome window when downloading (uses xmlHttpRequest and chrome file system API)

- more secure authentication method in place for api version 1.13.0

- more animations
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:12 am

dough10 wrote:chromecast support is something i am working on but this is all a learning process. so it might take a little time before i get it working.

I now have a Google/ASUS Nexus Android TV, which is able to receive Chromecasts. I'm writing a basic library class to handle the key features (discovery of receivers, events) that will, for now, just use the basic media receiver (I'd be sending the music stream and the album cover, and not much else probably). When I have it working in the web and Chrome version of SubFire, I'll let you know, should you still be interested.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby daneren2005 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:27 am

acroyear wrote:
dough10 wrote:chromecast support is something i am working on but this is all a learning process. so it might take a little time before i get it working.

I now have a Google/ASUS Nexus Android TV, which is able to receive Chromecasts. I'm writing a basic library class to handle the key features (discovery of receivers, events) that will, for now, just use the basic media receiver (I'd be sending the music stream and the album cover, and not much else probably). When I have it working in the web and Chrome version of SubFire, I'll let you know, should you still be interested.

Is your receiver going to be open source? I have been contemplating writing a custom Chromecast receiver for DSub for a while, but I keep getting hung up on the starting point. I would be much more willing to add to something that already exists than start from scratch on my own.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:36 am

acroyear wrote:
dough10 wrote:chromecast support is something i am working on but this is all a learning process. so it might take a little time before i get it working.

I now have a Google/ASUS Nexus Android TV, which is able to receive Chromecasts. I'm writing a basic library class to handle the key features (discovery of receivers, events) that will, for now, just use the basic media receiver (I'd be sending the music stream and the album cover, and not much else probably). When I have it working in the web and Chrome version of SubFire, I'll let you know, should you still be interested.

I have started and stopped working on chromecast support a few times. but always have issue connecting with the chrome cast extension. it is my understanding from the few post i have been able to find on chromecast in packaged apps (chrome apps) that it doesn't work without some hacks and a lot of work i didn't want to get into so i drop work. I would like to give your class a shot when you have it ready. chromecast is the 1 feature i have wanted but not been able to pull off.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:50 am

They may have made changes and improved the extension/library recently, 'cause it came right up for me using the latest (non-beta) version. At this point, I have it so that it at least notices there's a potential receiver out there. I'll see how much further I get over the weekend.

The fun part is, of course, hacking away at my statecharts to handle play/pause/next/prev, as well as how to determine that a song has stopped casting and it is time to play the next one. (This is one of those situations where a statechart architecture REALLY helps, though.)

Then there's the fact that I can only hack this at home, as I don't have a receiver over in my office. :)
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:00 pm


- fix bug that caused app to display no albums if attempting to remove a folder filter to display all folders.

- timer for mini player on album wall to hide on paused music extended to 10 mins from 2 mins.

- repeat option on main player and also on playlist more options menu.

- album art more button goes directlly to the album details dialog (slider will no longer cover art)

- app is now resizable.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:27 pm

Anyone having issues connecting to subsonic server with Polysonic? Please leave feed back on this Github issue. https://github.com/dough10/PolySonic/issues/37 Thanks
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:02 am

minor annoyance:

For whatever reason, I was getting a "could not connect to server" error and, well, then it hung. The loading spinner stayed loading and so there was never any way to get to the config screen to actually see what setting was broken. This can be an annoyance if you change your local IP for your server before updating your clients. The only fix I had was to uninstall and reinstall in order to clear the memory.

You should, in the "can't connect" situation, consider popping up the configuration dialog so the user can update the server/username/password info.

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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby tmwsiy » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:06 pm

very cool: since not using Flash, any chance of Gapless Playback?
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:51 pm

@tmwsiy gapless playback is something i have been thinking about. i will look into it for future versions. thanks trying the app
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby tmwsiy » Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:21 pm

that's great! One of the major features I have been hoping for in a desktop player.
My mobile app has it and this would really be great.
Good luck.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:16 pm

tmwsiy wrote:that's great! One of the major features I have been hoping for in a desktop player.
My mobile app has it and this would really be great.
Good luck.

It looks like true gapless playback will be pretty difficult. HTML5 audio appears to trim a small bit of audio from the end of the track. If I preload the second track and start playback @ the audio.onended event a gapless album will still have a short pause of audio. I have seen a work around that uses HTML5 and webAudio api. But i am not sure. That will be a lot of work and would only work on api version higher then 1.13.0. (Versions lower I have worked with return 2 Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers for stream.view and webAudio doens't like that) I think near gapless will be the best i can do for now.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:47 am


bitrate is now a install specific setting (not synced between sessions)

fix endless loader if connecting to a subsonic server without content.

app will now correctly check if md5 authentication method can be used (using a method taken from a discussion here. http://stackoverflow.com/a/6832721)

added option to precache the next song making playback near gapless (true gapless could take some time to implement)

app will now only scrobble to lastFM if more then half the song has been played

pressing enter while search box is focused will start the search query

genre list in shuffle options dialog now sorted alphabetically

after entering server address on first login when box loses focus app will attempt to connect to address given / valid response will set api version and help app determine if it should use md5 authentication (this method will help keep from sending account details insecurely)

greatly reduce the number of dom nodes generated for album wall (that content will now be conditionally loaded)
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby hawkinsb » Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:54 pm

Any chance of allowing albums to be sorted by "Year" instead of alphabetically when viewing all albums for a given artist?

Liking Polysonic more and more...

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