I'm finding that I'm having random playback problems, and it does not seem to be isolated to any specific file type. I have a playlist of film scores, consisting of MP3s and FLACs. Subsonic will play a few pieces, and then just stop. The album art displays a question mark, the play icon has a pause, and the scrubber shows as being all the way to the end:

When I check the log file, it only displays the ffmpeg decoding for the previous file, not the current one, as if it's not even getting to the point to send it to the transcoder. This just happened, so here's the complete log file from when the previous piece started playing, to the point where Subsonic stopped when trying to play the next piece:
- Code: Select all
[3/31/17 4:07:28 PM CDT] INFO TranscodeInputStream Starting transcoder: /var/subsonic/transcode/ffmpeg -i /media/music/Classical/Contemporary/Zimmer, Hans/Gladiator/Hans Zimmer - Gladiator [2000 Original Score] - 17 - Now We Are Free.flac -map 0:0 -b:a 320k -v 0 -f mp3 -
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=12537&auth=394545575&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=0-1
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 2
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 0-1/11416191
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Wrote 2 bytes of 2 requested
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=12537&auth=394545575&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=0-11416190
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 11416191
[3/31/17 4:11:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 0-11416190/11416191
[3/31/17 4:11:56 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Wrote 11416191 bytes of 11416191 requested
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=14644&auth=406472299&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=0-1
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 2
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 0-1/5590519
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Wrote 2 bytes of 2 requested
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=14644&auth=406472299&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=0-5590518
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 5590519
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 0-5590518/5590519
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=14644&auth=406472299&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=32768-5590518
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 5557751
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 32768-5590518/5590519
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController GET /music/stream?player=2&id=14644&auth=406472299&scrobble=false, Range: bytes=5342-5590518
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Length: 5585177
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Content-Range: 5342-5590518/5590519
[3/31/17 4:19:46 PM CDT] DEBUG StreamController Wrote 5585177 bytes of 5585177 requested
Any ideas what might be going on? I'm wondering if it might be having a problem with longer file/folder names, as in the example above, here's the full path:
/media/music/Classical/Contemporary/Compilations/Varese Saraband/Varese Sarabande 25th Anniversary Celebration, Volume 1/The Sixth Sense - De Profundis.flac
Perhaps the comma is causing a problem? Then again, it should have had the same problem with the Zimmer piece preceding it, which also has a comma.