Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby mrfloppy » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:33 pm

No, this is not the beta2 repo. The last commit was at 2016-02-14.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby boerbiet » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:35 am

acroyear wrote:The one that works is probably already at a lower bitrate than 192 so it doesn't need to route through the transcoder.

Being HTML5 audio tag, it is VERY browser dependent. While the browsers are converging on supporting the standard correctly, it isn't 100% yet.

As such, can you say what browser it is, on what O/S?

I know Chrome-android (and that includes FireOS Amazon products) has issues with not handling duration correctly, which should be resolved by Chromium 50 or 51.

The thing is, the album that does work properly with the timings is a FLAC album that is being transcoded to MP3 :-). At first I thought it was limited to FLACs, but MP3s have the same issue; I have yet to test an MP3 without transcoding it. I'm currently running this on Windows 7, Chromium 51.0.2685.0 (64-bit). Maybe I should switch to a 32-bit build? No idea if issues on 64-bit are still common nowadays with plugins and media.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby rothchild » Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:09 pm

Trufax wrote:
acroyear wrote:An icons only approach? (with, I presume, hover-tooltips to show the text but eventually muscle-memory will do the rest)

Basically this, yes. Another approach would be to move the username to the upper right corner (attached screenshot) and have the menu as an drop down. This way you can keep the text and its more "touch friendly". The white circle should be the avatar.


This gets my vote, can we have this please?
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby kayzlot1 » Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:13 pm

Thanks, Sindre. I really like it. On-the-fly transcoding back is huge. Subtitle support is amazing for foreign films or even native language too, just having the option is crucial.

The one complaint I have is that seeking is a pain in the arse. I click in the bar and it takes 3 or 4 tries before it actually "catches" and seeks to the correct part of the song or movie. Dragging the dot and placing it where I want tends to be a little more effective but still not perfect, and usually takes a few tries. I'm using Chrome if that makes a difference.

Edit: Just noticed something else. One of my users has a shit internet connection but has always been able to stream video if they dropped the bitrate. Looks like that isn't an option anymore than the HTML5 player.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby Jägs » Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:23 pm

This is likely bordering on more of a Feature Request than a specific item related to 6.0b2, but now that I am using the web player--largely due to a bug in playlists that will be fixed, but the player is growing on me--I noticed that for longer playlists, if I want to shuffle, I need to do a lot of scrolling in the queue to get to the queue controls (shuffle, clear, save as, etc.). Would it be possible to either move these to the top of the queue, or have them in both locations?
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby acroyear » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:25 pm

Jägs wrote:This is likely bordering on more of a Feature Request than a specific item related to 6.0b2, but now that I am using the web player--largely due to a bug in playlists that will be fixed, but the player is growing on me--I noticed that for longer playlists, if I want to shuffle, I need to do a lot of scrolling in the queue to get to the queue controls (shuffle, clear, save as, etc.). Would it be possible to either move these to the top of the queue, or have them in both locations?

yeah, i find the everything-at-the-bottom play queue frame to be problematic when i'm trying to select-all to add to a playlist...oh, speaking of which, select-all seems to be missing in that menu.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby KBanause » Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:26 pm

I just installed beta2 and I lost the ability to remove selected songs from my play queue:
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby grheard » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:42 pm

KBanause wrote:I just installed beta2 and I lost the ability to remove selected songs from my play queue:

Isn't that what the little X is on the left of the song title?

(I haven't upgraded to the beta yet)


Nevermind. I see what your talking about now. You've selected numerous to remove.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby tranceConscious » Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:30 am

I've pointed that out already too...

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby deejay2302 » Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:51 am

insann wrote:
deejay2302 wrote:Another bug. The radio station urls does not work. :-/ Ever the same message: Not supported file format! Does not work with any ip adresse or http link or listen.pls. Pls fix

I think its due to html5 player and AAC streams ! firefox can't read them ! ( maybe need to go trough transcode before ?)


I mean There is not a problem with Firefox. And no i can not transcode. Its a live stream and not a file ;) All of my tested streams using standard 128kbps mp3 Streams. Thats typical standard at the most Radio stations. And in my radio too. ;)
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby deejay2302 » Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:59 am

sindre_mehus wrote:I'm working on improving the embedded internet radio player. I hope to make it work with m3u, pls and xspf playlists - as well as raw audio streams in most formats (it'll use ffmpeg to convert to mp3 internally).

So far it's working with every stream I have tried, but can you please send me some URLs to test with?

Thank you!

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby securedigital » Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:17 am

Hi Guys,

Within this two beta versions, found a couple of annoying issues.

1. To test whether the playing song rocks, I do click the progress bar several steps forward, so I can change the song/album because I don't like at all that rithm. The issue is that the progress bar has a very narrow mouse click area, and it is very difficult to point and click to advance the song position on the bar.

2.When an artist has many albums, in the central panel it shows up a button called "Show all albums". Would be nice to be able to activate/deactivate this feature, as some users can't find the latest albums on the preview as are hidden until they find out this button.

PD: If required, I can publish this two issues in the feature request forum. You decide.

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby cnliberal » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:19 pm

Maybe I'm missing it, but it would be really great to have the option to have more ID3/FLAC tags available to the web GUI. I sort my music by:

Album Artist
Disc #
Track #

It seems that Subsonic sorts by:

Album Artist
Track #

This is not ideal. Multi-disc albums don't always have different names per disc and putting a "(disc 2)" in the title adds 8 needless characters to a folder name. This is why ID3/FLAC tags were created. Would it be possible to add this functionality? DSub does this, so I know the tags are readable to SS. Thanks!
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby acroyear » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:01 am

As of 5.3 (maybe even 5.2), Subsonic sorts by disc# ahead of track#, if there's more than one. It certainly still works that way with my files. i know earlier versions did not sort the tracks by disc# even though it was included in the API's metadata. It may need to be a feature request to add the disc# to the UI and made it editable.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby cnliberal » Mon May 02, 2016 4:51 pm

acroyear wrote:As of 5.3 (maybe even 5.2), Subsonic sorts by disc# ahead of track#, if there's more than one. It certainly still works that way with my files. i know earlier versions did not sort the tracks by disc# even though it was included in the API's metadata. It may need to be a feature request to add the disc# to the UI and made it editable.

Interesting. I'm on 6.0beta 2 and it's sorting by track number and not disc number at all. Its not sorting by file name either. Here's my filename:

/music/Various Artists/2007-10-23 - Across the Universe_ Deluxe Edition/0101 - Jim Sturgess - Girl.flac
/music/Various Artists/2007-10-23 - Across the Universe_ Deluxe Edition/0102 - Evan Rachel Wood - Hold Me Tight.flac
/music/Various Artists/2007-10-23 - Across the Universe_ Deluxe Edition/0201 - Bono & Secret Machines - I Am the Walrus.flac
/music/Various Artists/2007-10-23 - Across the Universe_ Deluxe Edition/0202 - Eddie Izzard - Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!.flac

Each track has its TAGS set to:

Disc: 01/02
Track: 01/15

Disc: 01/02
Track: 02/15
Disc: 02/02
Track: 01/16

Disc: 02/02
Track: 02/16

Yet, Subsonic is listing tracks out like this:

1 Girl Across the Universe: Deluxe Edition Jim Sturgess
1 I Am the Walrus Across the Universe: Deluxe Edition Bono & Secret Machines
2 Hold Me Tight Across the Universe: Deluxe Edition Evan Rachel Wood
2 Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! Across the Universe: Deluxe Edition Eddie Izzard

Is there a setting I'm missing?? Thanks!
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