Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:29 am

pemholder wrote:What we still miss is the support for the tag-field "UNSYNCEDLYRICS" (USLT), means:
1. Look at the tag-field first if lyrics are present
2. Additional look at a lyrics-server if nothing is in the tagfield.

This has been a feature-request for a long time and is implimented in the madsonic-fork since years:

I can take a look at that. Can you please send me an example file with lyrics?

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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby evilmanimani » Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:22 pm

Any chance of implementing multiple tagged genres using separaters? This thread has been going for 2 years and appears to have a decent amount of support: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15455 I believe this has been implemented in Madsonic and Music Cabinet for a while. Cheers!
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby scztt » Mon May 01, 2017 6:18 pm

I'm having a serious database problem in the new beta (beta2), though it took me a bit to notice what was going. When new music is scanned and ingested, artist and album entries are not being added for the album. I I can see the media in Recently Added and index views, and everything appears correctly there. But, I can't search for the album, artist, or song title, and if I'm using e.g. DSub based on the artist metadata and not the list of artist folders, I don't see those entries either. If I grep db/subsonic.log for a new album I just added, I see entries of the form:
Code: Select all

But I don't see any e.g.
Code: Select all
. Not sure what's happening here, but it appears to be pretty bad.
I didn't notice this because I tend to play new things via Recently Added, which is working fine - it's only when I would search for things that they wouldn't show up...
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby levi » Tue May 02, 2017 6:58 pm

levi wrote:
levi wrote:If I pause a song and leave it paused for an extended period and then try and resume play, the song does not resume. I have to start the song from the beginning. This doesn't happen for short pauses (a few seconds or minutes). So far I've only experienced this when paused for at least 5-10 minutes.

So I tested with DSub app on my Android TV device last night and I did not experience the pause issue. All songs in the play list played through without an issue. It must have something to do with the web player in Subsonic when in a browser. I've been using Chrome. I'll try it out with Firefox and IE.

I tested with Firefox 52 and it plays the playlist without a pause. On IE 11, the playlist pauses just as it does on Chrome. BTW, I'm using Chrome 58.
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby mamema » Wed May 03, 2017 11:46 am

changed subsonic.war 6.0 to subsonic 61beta2 war file on synology DSM 5.2 with Java 8

[2017-05-03 12:31:30,081] INFO SettingsService - Java: 1.8.0_121, OS: Linux

as soon as i add an music location with no access to the subsonic user. That was my intention.....

i got

Code: Select all
java.lang.Exception: 500 Internal Server Error: Error: ConflictInMappingEntry (HTTP response was: 500 Internal Server Error)
   at net.sourceforge.subsonic.service.upnp.ClingRouter.addPortMappingImpl(
   at net.sourceforge.subsonic.service.upnp.ClingRouter.addPortMapping(
   at net.sourceforge.subsonic.service.NetworkService$PortForwardingTask.execute(
   at net.sourceforge.subsonic.service.NetworkService$
   at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(
   at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(
   at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

after going back to subsonic 6.0 war file. everything is fine.

The error leaded to error in the left subsonic area where the settings and everything else should be configured....
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby vferg » Fri May 19, 2017 5:14 pm

scztt wrote:I'm having a serious database problem in the new beta (beta2), though it took me a bit to notice what was going. When new music is scanned and ingested, artist and album entries are not being added for the album. I I can see the media in Recently Added and index views, and everything appears correctly there. But, I can't search for the album, artist, or song title, and if I'm using e.g. DSub based on the artist metadata and not the list of artist folders, I don't see those entries either. If I grep db/subsonic.log for a new album I just added, I see entries of the form:
Code: Select all

But I don't see any e.g.
Code: Select all
. Not sure what's happening here, but it appears to be pretty bad.
I didn't notice this because I tend to play new things via Recently Added, which is working fine - it's only when I would search for things that they wouldn't show up...

Yes I am noticing this now as well! I just came here to see if anyone has pointed this out yet as well. I am having some serious search issues with new content, and I as well did not notice it at first either.
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Sat May 20, 2017 6:27 am

scztt wrote:I'm having a serious database problem in the new beta (beta2), though it took me a bit to notice what was going. When new music is scanned and ingested, artist and album entries are not being added for the album. I I can see the media in Recently Added and index views, and everything appears correctly there. But, I can't search for the album, artist, or song title, and if I'm using e.g. DSub based on the artist metadata and not the list of artist folders, I don't see those entries either. If I grep db/subsonic.log for a new album I just added, I see entries of the form:
Code: Select all

But I don't see any e.g.
Code: Select all
. Not sure what's happening here, but it appears to be pretty bad.
I didn't notice this because I tend to play new things via Recently Added, which is working fine - it's only when I would search for things that they wouldn't show up...

Hi. I'm not able to reproduce this. Please note that the ARTIST and ALBUM tables, as well as the search index, are only updated when doing a media folder scan (automatic or manual). Does that explain it?

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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby chuckles » Sat May 20, 2017 11:18 pm

scztt wrote:
I'm having a serious database problem in the new beta (beta2), though it took me a bit to notice what was going. When new music is scanned and ingested, artist and album entries are not being added for the album. I I can see the media in Recently Added and index views, and everything appears correctly there. But, I can't search for the album, artist, or song title, and if I'm using e.g. DSub based on the artist metadata and not the list of artist folders, I don't see those entries either. If I grep db/subsonic.log for a new album I just added, I see entries of the form:

Code: Select all

But I don't see any e.g.

Code: Select all

. Not sure what's happening here, but it appears to be pretty bad.
I didn't notice this because I tend to play new things via Recently Added, which is working fine - it's only when I would search for things that they wouldn't show up...

Hi. I'm not able to reproduce this. Please note that the ARTIST and ALBUM tables, as well as the search index, are only updated when doing a media folder scan (automatic or manual). Does that explain it?


What I am seeing after adding an album and rescanning is - it shows up as "Recently Added" and is listed under the "Artist", but if I search for albums with that name it doesn't show up.
I looked at this again and I am now thinking that the search function searches until it reaches a limit (27?) and then stops looking before getting to the album that was just added.
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby scztt » Thu May 25, 2017 7:32 pm

chuckles wrote:
scztt wrote:
I'm having a serious database problem in the new beta (beta2), though it took me a bit to notice what was going. When new music is scanned and ingested, artist and album entries are not being added for the album. I I can see the media in Recently Added and index views, and everything appears correctly there. But, I can't search for the album, artist, or song title, and if I'm using e.g. DSub based on the artist metadata and not the list of artist folders, I don't see those entries either. If I grep db/subsonic.log for a new album I just added, I see entries of the form:

Hi. I'm not able to reproduce this. Please note that the ARTIST and ALBUM tables, as well as the search index, are only updated when doing a media folder scan (automatic or manual). Does that explain it?


I'm seeing this problem occurring after both manual and automatic scans. I had about a months worth of newly-added music not properly indexed by either ARTIST or ALBUM. Are the ARTIST/ALBUM table additions being done at the end of the scan? Is it possible that the scan is ending prematurely, resulting in new MEDIA_FILE entries, but not ARTIST or ALBUM? There must be *some* code path during a scan that allows for MEDIA_FILE entires but not the others.... I've rolled back to a non-beta version, but if there's a specific test case or log information that would be helpful here, I'd be happy to make a copy of my database, try the beta out again, and report back.
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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Sat May 27, 2017 8:48 am

scztt wrote:I'm seeing this problem occurring after both manual and automatic scans. I had about a months worth of newly-added music not properly indexed by either ARTIST or ALBUM. Are the ARTIST/ALBUM table additions being done at the end of the scan? Is it possible that the scan is ending prematurely, resulting in new MEDIA_FILE entries, but not ARTIST or ALBUM? There must be *some* code path during a scan that allows for MEDIA_FILE entires but not the others.... I've rolled back to a non-beta version, but if there's a specific test case or log information that would be helpful here, I'd be happy to make a copy of my database, try the beta out again, and report back.

The ARTIST/ALBUM tables are not updated at the end. It would be interesting to see the log file (subsonic.log) when you scan the library.

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Re: Subsonic 6.1.beta2 released

Postby pemholder » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:36 am

sindre_mehus wrote:
pemholder wrote:What we still miss is the support for the tag-field "UNSYNCEDLYRICS" (USLT), means:
1. Look at the tag-field first if lyrics are present
2. Additional look at a lyrics-server if nothing is in the tagfield.

This has been a feature-request for a long time and is implimented in the madsonic-fork since years:

I can take a look at that. Can you please send me an example file with lyrics?

Sorry I missed your wish for an example.
So, thank you very much that you have implimented this feature in final version 6.1 anyway.
It works principally well but there is something you should change:

Subsonic gives Chartlyrics the credit for the lyrics found and does not distinguish between external lyrics and embedded lyrics.
So Chartlyrics is shown for any lyrics and I personally have about 70 % of my lyrics embedded and they are not from Chartlyrics.
As I mostly have the origin of the Lyrics at the end of the lyric-text you can find there 2 credits, one for my sources and one for chartlyrics.

so Subsonic should distingush between 2 cases:
1. If lyrics are embedded show no credits
2. If lyrics are not embeddes show Chartlyrics
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