Subsonic 6.0 released

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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby G8DHE » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:25 pm

G8DHE wrote:Argh! Just upgraded from 6.beta2 to 6.0 and its lost the database :-(
No users, no premium licence, no settings etc. every other upgrade has gone smoothly other than the discussion directly above I can't see anyone else having a problem ?
Running under Windows server 2003. I can restore to the last backup OK, but a second upgrade was identical all settings lost ....
Any suggestions ?

Is there anyway of knowing if sindre_mehus is working on this ?
Given that its no longer open source and not on Github, we can't raise Issues there, so how do we know what is being worked on etc.
Geoff G8DHE
Version 6.0 Beta 2
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby Nico » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:29 pm

G8DHE wrote:
G8DHE wrote:Argh! Just upgraded from 6.beta2 to 6.0 and its lost the database :-(
No users, no premium licence, no settings etc. every other upgrade has gone smoothly other than the discussion directly above I can't see anyone else having a problem ?
Running under Windows server 2003. I can restore to the last backup OK, but a second upgrade was identical all settings lost ....
Any suggestions ?

Is there anyway of knowing if sindre_mehus is working on this ?
Given that its no longer open source and not on Github, we can't raise Issues there, so how do we know what is being worked on etc.

I had the same, during the installation of v6 the subsonic folder and all its content were deleted, :cry: !
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:48 pm

Nico wrote:
G8DHE wrote:
G8DHE wrote:Argh! Just upgraded from 6.beta2 to 6.0 and its lost the database :-(
No users, no premium licence, no settings etc. every other upgrade has gone smoothly other than the discussion directly above I can't see anyone else having a problem ?
Running under Windows server 2003. I can restore to the last backup OK, but a second upgrade was identical all settings lost ....
Any suggestions ?

Is there anyway of knowing if sindre_mehus is working on this ?
Given that its no longer open source and not on Github, we can't raise Issues there, so how do we know what is being worked on etc.

I had the same, during the installation of v6 the subsonic folder and all its content were deleted, :cry: !

Is this issue reproducible? Was the entire c:\subsonic directory deleted? Have you by any chance moved then content of c:\subsonic to c:\program files\subsonic?

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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby NoahJenda » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:21 pm

sindre_mehus wrote:Is this issue reproducible? Was the entire c:\subsonic directory deleted? Have you by any chance moved then content of c:\subsonic to c:\program files\subsonic?

I had the same issue with losing all my users and my whole music database when I upgraded from the beta to the full release of 6.0

I can also confirm that the c:\subsonic directory was not deleted or moved. The database was just replaced, as with a new install, rather than the code being updated but the user and music data being left alone.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby kargath » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:31 pm

The improper alphabetical sorting of folders bug is still present (since 4.x and reported many times..sindre even logged into my server to see it). Petty sure Sindre just fixes what he wants, when he wants without any regard...
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby G8DHE » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:35 am

sindre_mehus wrote:
Nico wrote:
G8DHE wrote:
I had the same, during the installation of v6 the subsonic folder and all its content were deleted, :cry: !

Is this issue reproducible? Was the entire c:\subsonic directory deleted? Have you by any chance moved then content of c:\subsonic to c:\program files\subsonic?


Tks Sindre, Yes it is reproducible, I have recovered using backups and repeated the upgrade several times with identical results.
The subsonic install is to M:\subsonic and it has been upgraded numerous times up to 6.0 beta 2 without problems using the default install process on previous upgrades.
Only on this occasion have problems developed. The contents of the directories appear to be overwritten with a fresh install and an initialised database which is totally empty.
I did try restoring just the M:\subsonic\db directory contents but whilst content and users reappeared lots of things were not happy.
If you want any logs just shout and can happily re-run the upgrade and recapture any messages etc. just let me know how/what is needed.
Geoff G8DHE
Version 6.0 Beta 2
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:19 pm

G8DHE wrote:Tks Sindre, Yes it is reproducible, I have recovered using backups and repeated the upgrade several times with identical results.
The subsonic install is to M:\subsonic and it has been upgraded numerous times up to 6.0 beta 2 without problems using the default install process on previous upgrades.
Only on this occasion have problems developed. The contents of the directories appear to be overwritten with a fresh install and an initialised database which is totally empty.
I did try restoring just the M:\subsonic\db directory contents but whilst content and users reappeared lots of things were not happy.
If you want any logs just shout and can happily re-run the upgrade and recapture any messages etc. just let me know how/what is needed.


Just to make sure: you are using the Windows installer variant of Subsonic?

The default data directory is C:\subsonic. This can be overridden in ...\Program Files (x86)\Subsonic\subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions (by setting "-Dsubsonic.home=xxxx"). I'm guessing you have done so in the past, since you are referring to M:\subsonic?

In that case, perhaps the subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions file got reset during the upgrade, loosing the subsonic.home override?

Can you please let me know the content of your subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions, and also let me know if there exists a C:\subsonic directory?
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby G8DHE » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:44 pm

sindre_mehus wrote:

Just to make sure: you are using the Windows installer variant of Subsonic?

The default data directory is C:\subsonic. This can be overridden in ...\Program Files (x86)\Subsonic\subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions (by setting "-Dsubsonic.home=xxxx"). I'm guessing you have done so in the past, since you are referring to M:\subsonic?

In that case, perhaps the subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions file got reset during the upgrade, loosing the subsonic.home override?

Can you please let me know the content of your subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions, and also let me know if there exists a C:\subsonic directory?

Yes, using the Windows installer on Win2003 server.
There is no C:\subsonic directory I have always installed to M:\subsonic for the last few years, possibly it was moved at some point in past however!
There is a M:\subsonic directory that contains a file subsonic-service.exe.vmoptions the contents are below;
Code: Select all

The above file is PRE-UPGRADE of course.
Geoff G8DHE
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:53 pm

Ah, now I understand what's happening!

Seems like you are installing the program together with the data files (M:\subsonic) instead of the default (C:\Program Files (x86)\Subsonic).

Yes, I did a change to the uninstaller (which is invoked by the installer to remove the old version) in March that makes it delete everything in the installation directory (instead of all known files). I will revert that change, but please notice that the next time you upgrade the same thing will happen. This is because the installer invokes the uninstaller of the previous version :)

Thanks again
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby G8DHE » Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:46 am

sindre_mehus wrote:Ah, now I understand what's happening!

Seems like you are installing the program together with the data files (M:\subsonic) instead of the default (C:\Program Files (x86)\Subsonic).

Yes, I did a change to the uninstaller (which is invoked by the installer to remove the old version) in March that makes it delete everything in the installation directory (instead of all known files). I will revert that change, but please notice that the next time you upgrade the same thing will happen. This is because the installer invokes the uninstaller of the previous version :)

Thanks again

Right .... OK I will wait for the reversion and try again, maybe it would be better if I moved/re-installed to the default settings of C:\, however the choice is there to install to another drive, so I would have assumed that the system would cope with such a decision ?

Whatever, many thanks for the attention and a great bit of software!
Geoff G8DHE
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby Exrace » Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:09 pm

I have been using c:\subsonic but have the same issue with the setup clearing the old DB and setting up a fresh DB.
Is there a fix coming for this soon?
I am still running the beta.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby G8DHE » Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:58 pm

There seems to be quite a wide variety of problems being reported :-(
I do hope it won't be too long before some form of update, but the logging (reduction of info in it) will be another problem as I use that quite extensively to publish what is being played at any given time on the Jukebox from the server itself.
So I fear we may be stuck on the 6.02Beta for sometime .....
Geoff G8DHE
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby Exrace » Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:05 pm

Same here.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby Wonderfall » Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:05 pm

I'm so disappointed that Subsonic is no longer open-source.
I loved this project, but I'm afraid I won't renew my license and I will have to look somewhere else.
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Re: Subsonic 6.0 released

Postby Kid Twist » Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:03 pm

Late to the game in terms of updating, but I finally got around to loading 6.0 this weekend and I like it so far. One thing: I happen to like the index on the left and I'm glad to have the option to keep it. But it now refreshes when the random albums on the home page refresh. So if I'm looking through the index, it ofent jumps back to the top before I find what I'm looking for.
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