HTML5 audio Subsonic client made with Polymer paper elements. bug reports can be posted here or on the project github
Any feedback would be very helpful and Thank You.
REQUIRES Subsonic version 5.1 and above.
Download from Chrome Web Store
Recent Changes
- option to use "spacebar" to pause currently playing content if "Now Playing" page is selected and app has focus
- when finished playing playlist will not longer be automatically cleared
- previous track button will now restart the track if pressed while first song in a playlist is currently playing if not the first track will jump back 1 track
- fix multi disc sorting (tracks will now be displayed in the order they are intended to be played)
- fix for bookmark window not reopening after deleting a bookmark
- if downloaded artist header image is larger then 800 px will now be resized to 800 px width before saving
- if app is closed with files in the play queue user will get option to resume that queue
- minor bug fixes
- fixes
- change max # of albums returned by search to 200. up from 20
- if there is playing content the "mini player" will now show at bottom of settings page aswell
- "mini player" now has link to volume dialog
- album details dialog now has the link "more by this artist"
- updates to artists page styling (larger artist image recentered using SmartCrop.js, not perfect but better then allowing to crop the center)
- flushing image cache no longer requires app restart
- option to browse Subsonic library by folder index as opposed to ID3 info (changeable from a dropdown on settings page, image cache cleard and content refreshed on change) ** currently assumes the folowing folder structure imported-folder/artist/album ** I see this needing more work in the near future as it will not work for everyone
- ability to use multiple configs (new config UIs, image cache will be cleared on change)
- option to import / export config files as base64 encoded string saved as .cfg file
- fix for issue where playback would start more then one time on some playlist build tasks
- refactor code base / reduce line / more maintainable
- faster load of cached images by using HTML5 filesystem in place of indexeddb. 512MB quota setup on launch
- fixed a issue with media folder selecton
- option to sort albums by title / date when viewing a artists albums
- when artist has more then one album in the list a option will show to shuffle all that artists content
- add media key support
- fix for app not loading a second time if not using MD5 auth and api version higher then 1.13.0
- add option to disable md5 authentication
- fix issue keeping some users from loging in to server
- attempt to fix a issue that would cause audio to stop randomly if precache enabled and user has a podcast in playlist
- fix bug that would send password as plaing text when loging in on api version 1.13.0
- bug fix
bitrate is now a install specific setting (not synced between sessions)
fix endless loader if connecting to a subsonic server without content.
app will now correctly check if md5 authentication method can be used (using a method taken from a discussion here.
added option to precache the next song making playback near gapless (true gapless could take some time to implement)
app will now only scrobble to lastFM if more then half the song has been played
pressing enter while search box is focused will start the search query
genre list in shuffle options dialog now sorted alphabetically
after entering server address on first login when box loses focus app will attempt to connect to address given / valid response will set api version and help app determine if it should use md5 authentication (this method will help keep from sending account details insecurely)
greatly reduce the number of dom nodes generated for album wall (that content will now be conditionally loaded)
new icon (thanks William Kray)
fix bug when adding podcast to queue (caused app to hang @ loading spinner)
bookmark support (with a option in setting menu to enable autobookmarking of long files)
option to shuffle current play queue (icon will only show if 3 or more items in play queue)
when showing all albums by a artist (from artist list) page now contains a small bio and links to similar artist in your library
fix a bug where app would get stuck if there was a error connecting to the server while on loading screen.
- fix bug that caused app to display no albums if attempting to remove a folder filter to display all folders.
- timer for mini player on album wall to hide on paused music extended to 10 mins from 2 mins.
- repeat option on main player and also on playlist more options menu.
- album art more button goes directlly to the album details dialog (slider will no longer cover art)
- app is now resizable.
- now playing indicator has been removed and replaced with a mini player that slides in from bottom of page
- app now correctly hides options users do not have role for (podcast administration, downloads)
- license date now counts down days till expiration
- app now manages it's own downloads. no more launching a chrome window when downloading (uses xmlHttpRequest and chrome file system API)
- more secure authentication method in place for api version 1.13.0
- more animations
- redesigned search feature
- tooltips on buttons without labels
- other things (nothing exciting)
- UI enhancements
- bug fixes
- dynamic fab color now works for podcast. if art was downloaded before version 0.2.2 cache will have to be cleared. (in settings menu)