MusicCabinet announcements

Announcements and discussion of new releases.

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Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:17 pm

New release available - 0.7.14. News:

  • On the artist page, top genres are now shown to give a quick indication of music style.
  • There's now an interface for updating artist genres.
  • Your genre updates are posted to, so you're not only fixing your own genres, you're also helping to improve genre quality for all other MusicCabinet users.
  • Fix: include player bugfix by Sindre from Subsonic 4.7
  • Fix: rename jsp variables to work better on Tomcat 7
  • Fix: better zip filename when downloading albums
  • Fix: quote artist and album name when searching for album cover images
  • Fix: Change in how artists are chosen for being updated from

Note: this release changes a CSS file. Some browsers (Firefox, Opera) caches them rather aggressively, so if the genre update view lacks color in your browser, open a new tab and go visit (yourhost:yourport)/style/sonic_white.css or (yourhost:yourport)/style/sonic_black.css to force reading them again.

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10720
MusicCabinet developer
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Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:07 pm

New release available - 0.7.15.

MusicCabinet is a tool built to help you find new music. So far, it has integrated knowledge from, to explore genres and similar artists.

I've now added integration with another well respected source of information: The first task I'm interested in is this: which albums do you lack in your collection? Have your favorite artists released music you're not aware of?

There's now a simple interface to help you retrieve information from MusicBrainz, store it in your Postgres database, and then search for missing albums.

Just as, MusicBrainz has limitations on how fast we can retrieve information. Roughly, fetching discography will take at least 30 minutes per 1000 artists (only artists with full albums in your library are looked up). The information is considered valid for three months, so you will not get notifications of new albums, MusicBrainz does not support that. For huge libraries, information for max 3000 artists is fetched per update.

You can access the search from the bottom of the left frame, as "Missing albums".

This release also comes with a small fix: album names are now scrobbled to

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10857
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:15 am

New release available - 0.7.16. News:

  • There are now two types of Media Folders: indexed and non-indexed. Non-indexed folders are shown in the left frame, are never scanned and are browsed in file-based mode. Useful to make a temporary download folder available via the web interface.
  • Option in personal settings to display all Various Artists albums in left column, below indexed artists, for quick access.
  • Top tracks are now picked first from Albums/EPs/Singles, then from album with earliest release year, if you have multiple tracks with the same name on different albums.
  • Top tracks now also take Album Artist into account.
  • When adding loads of new albums, they're now sorted by file modification date in Recently Added view.
  • Disc number is now included for apps. (secretly introduced in 4.7)

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10933
MusicCabinet developer
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Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:20 pm

Sorry, I introduced a bug for apps in 0.7.16 while refactoring some code. I've put up a new version (0.7.16b) that hopefully fixes this.

It also adds an experimental feature I wrote yesterday: artist details. From the artist view, you can now click "Details" and get full artist biography, discography (if you've done the MusicBrainz update), and a top track list to help you learn a bit more and get to know what tracks and albums you're missing.

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10933
MusicCabinet developer
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Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:55 pm

New release available - 0.7.17. News:

  • Advanced search. You can now combine different criteria when searching for tracks. Image
  • You can switch to advanced search after doing a normal search, or directly by pressing the magnifying glass without entering any search text.
  • Supported options: artist, album artist, composer, album, song title, track and disc number, year, track genre (taken from file tag), artist genre (taken from, duration, media folder, top track rank, starred filter, play count, file type, recently changed, recently played.
  • Some searches may be a bit slow, depending on your library size and disk speed. All criteria are not indexed.
  • Interface requests: Media folders are now sorted, and a small spacing is inserted between multi discs with correct disc and track numbers.

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11050
MusicCabinet developer
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Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:43 pm

OK, time to make 0.7.18 an official version. News since 0.7.17:

  • Artwork for top tracks/artist radio/genre radio
  • Supports starring via the API, for example from MiniSub (I bundled the latest MiniSub in this release, available via /minisub)
  • Allows browsing your library by folder instead of by tags (your library still needs to be scanned for this to work)
  • When browsing by directory, videos are exposed too for streaming. (Feedback on this is still welcome!)
  • Added an "All genres" option for listing all artists via XBMC

Web UI:
  • Tag editor now supports updating Album artist and Composer
  • Indexes in left frame are no longer sorted, so that you can have # on top if you want to
  • Better handling of top tracks in Artist Detail view
  • TWO NEW THEMES! Please say thanks to sigel who've started working on a better looking interface for MusicCabinet. They are bundled as separate themes called MusicCabinet white/black. Very exciting!

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11124
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:49 pm

Version 0.7.19 released. Minor news:

  • Thanks to draganshadow, it was brought to my attention that has changed format slightly for artist biographies. This has caused nightly imports to fail lately. Hopefully, this is fixed now. Run a normal scan after installing this to get your biographies.
  • You can now choose whether to display Recently played, Most played and Starred items only for yourself, or for all users, in the personal settings.
  • You can now specify song length interval for tracks be included in radio playlists, to avoid 30 sec intros or 20 minute tracks. Requires a normal scan to take effect, too.
  • fix: Always return path (iSub compatibility)
  • fix: Always return valid license (DSub compatibility)

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Please post further questions here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11208
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:02 pm

Bugfix release, 0.7.20:

  • Fixes the Podcast page (downloaded episodes not being playable).
If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:14 am

New release, 0.7.21. No code written by me, only contributions from others! Be sure to leave thanks where appropriate.

  • New theme: Sigelsonic written by sigel
  • New theme: darksub adjusted by rouge_mr
  • Webkit scrollbar fix by rolle
  • Latest minisub by tsquillario

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
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MusicCabinet developer
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Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:28 pm

Sorry, screwed up the last release and I didn't find out as it only borked for people who haven't payed Sindre for a license. I've replaced 0.7.21 with 0.7.21b, download links are the same as usual, see previous post. The code is also up at Github. I hope this will work better.
MusicCabinet developer
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Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:51 pm

While we're at theme updates, Rolle kindly supplied a theme of his own, RolleShark. It works best on Chrome, see screenshot and source here: ... _small.png

This is simply called 0.7.21c and download links are same as above. Thanks for contributing!
MusicCabinet developer
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Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:02 pm

New release, 0.7.22. Change log:

  • Automatic (optional) sync of loved tracks at / starred tracks. Tracks that you star/unstar are immediately loved/unloved at Loved tracks and previously starred tracks are synced during full scans.
  • Option to choose which language to fetch artist biographies and tag info for. Note that biographies are not available in all languages for all artists, so using English will still give you the highest hit rate.
  • MusicCabinet now keeps track of music files that were ignored during scanning due to bad tagging, and their file names are displayed on the Media Folders settings page. This only applies for newly added files (so to activate it for an existing install, remove your media folders, scan, re-add them, scan again)
  • For FLAC files, "Album Artist" tag is now also read during scanning (previously was only "AlbumArtist" read, it's more commonly used). This also requires removing your media folders, scanning, re-adding and scanning.
  • Embedded lyrics are now exposed via the API for apps.
  • Update of RolleShark theme.

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:26 pm

I've spent the last month working day and night at my real job, but this weekend brought a bug fix update called 0.7.22b which addresses:
  • Import of loved tracks. No guarantees, but I think it'll work better now. (Wrote some more test cases and squashed bugs, sorry I didn't find them before)
  • Remove the "Read more about artist XX" biography link that seems to have introduced lately (only from now on)
  • Now playing update to now sends duration (thanks to equanimity for pointing that out!)
  • Update of RolleShark theme (thanks!)

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:59 pm

Version 0.7.23 is now up on Github. News: MusicCabinet now reports itself as REST version 1.8.0, i.e the same as a Subsonic 4.7 server, instead of previously 4.6.

The new methods added in 4.7 are implemented but not thoroughly tested (I built some auto-tests, and checked manually with Subwiji and iSub, didn't have my Android phone at home). Different clients use the API differently so I can't really guarantee anything without testing each client individually. Make backups of playlists before editing them to be safe!

For those who feel like trying it: stop your service, replace your subsonic.war (or subsonic-main.war) with this: and start again.
To go back to .22b, use this: (or make a backup before trying .23)

This also fixes the recent bug with empty top artists / recommended artists.
MusicCabinet developer
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Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden

Re: MusicCabinet announcements

Postby hakko » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:44 pm

New version released, 0.7.24. What's in it:

  • REST interface: Add to playlist and delete playlists should now work in apps
  • Option to use artist genres from local library instead of what people have tagged artists as on Example: if you have four files by an artist, 2 pop, 1 rock, and 1 untagged, that artist will be considered as 50% pop and 25% rock.
  • Option to display album year in app interface
  • Option for number of random tracks
  • Store cache in temp directory instead of user home
  • File name changes in the stand-alone installer

If you're already using MusicCabinet 0.7, you can just replace your subsonic.war with and stop/start Subsonic.

Otherwise, install Java 7 and then use:
Windows users: ... -setup.exe
Non-Windows users: ...
Tomcat users:

Post your feedback on this release here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11787
MusicCabinet developer
Posts: 1416
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:05 pm
Location: Sweden


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