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Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:54 pm
by sindre_mehus
Subsonic 4.7.beta3 is finally ready with lots of bug fixes and some new features.
Changes: for all your feedback!
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:58 pm
by phazzard
Awesome - Everything is looking great - I was able to get through a scan in under 1/2 hour compared to 14 days with the last beta release. Love turning on/off sort by year. Love the starred option (still). Uses MUCH less memory while providing incredibly increased speeds. Great job once again!
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:05 am
by wannabe_nerd
it seems as if the problem with the videofiles disappeared ! Nice i still have to do some testing, but all of my test-mkv-files have been displayed correctly so far
Great work again sindre, i'm very impressed
greetz wannabe_nerd
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:04 am
by bcrivers
The scan issues have been resolved. I am able to index my large library rather quickly.
I am having a problem working with playlists. The playlists imported successfully. However, I am unable to delete, modify, or create them. I am able to load the imported lists, load and play them. There seems to be a lag in loading playlists, the playlists section is not very responsive.
I have it running on Ubuntu 12.04.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:51 am
by GJ51
I think if you elaborated a bit it may be more helpful. I just loaded a playlist of 300 tracks in under 3 sec. on a dual core 3.0GHz server on WHSv1 with 4 GB of ram. Is that slow?
Without knowing what kind of hardware you're on or how big the playlist is your post doesn't really say anything useful.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:17 am
by naguchennai
After Update i got Error in REST API: EofException Warning... Why? But i not update search index....
Any one have this error?
[8/4/12 1:17:12 PM CEST] WARN RESTFilter Error in REST API: EofException
[8/4/12 1:17:12 PM CEST] WARN RESTFilter Error in REST API: EofException
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:23 am
by BKKKPewsey
OK BKKK has finally got all his media scanned in after upgrading 4.6 to 4.7b3 (approx 6 hrs which for 110k tracks is on par with an initial scan of (clean install) on 4.6 - Good Job)
Still testing obviously but my initial observations are :-
- It would seem the all the show-stopping bugs are gone (eg 5 min lockup on top rated)
- My album count has gone up by 400 albums but my artist count has gone down by 6000
- It would seem that it is not reading the <Artist> tag but only the <Album Artist> tag
This is obviously not good when it comes to compilations as all the albums get listed with artist=Various Artists
That may partly explain the artist total drop - Playlists are still a major problem
On trying to load some of my 4.6 playlists the following happens
- The first couple I tried SS did not display any message after hitting the OK button
No playlist shown either -However the log showed a couple of files which couldn't be found due wrong names
(e.g. the files had been moved/renamed since creating the playlist) - So I tried a more recent (& correct) playlist and SS gave a message "Playlist imported successfully"
However still no playlist shown and checking the log I get
- Code: Select all
"WARN PlaylistService File in playlist 'oldies.m3u' not found: D:\shares\music\F\Family\Family - Roger Chapman - Bandstand (1972)\01 - Burlesque - Family Feat. Roger Chapman.mp3"
etc for all the entries - This is the correct path and is using the same path structure as in settings/media folders - Same results on all the other playlists which have all correct playlist/path entries
- So I attempted to create a new playlist
Hit Create New playlist in left frame - nothing happens
So I Added songs to now playing list - selected all
Save as Playlist -Play Queue -still nothing?
Selected songs - add to playlist? - nope
- By turning off the sort albums by year all my directories now list as per 4.6 (ascending year sort)
So my initial impressions are great job - just got this playlist problem to deal with
(Note I had similar issues with playlists with my brief test with 4.7b2 on server 2003 - but no apparent problems with a
clean install on Vista)
and sorting out reading the artist tags as I now have about 500 albums which cannot be indexed correctly
EDIT: It would appear that the non-showing of playlists was due to chrome not refreshing the left frame

However something odd is still going on as the oldies m3u is showing all the entries so not sure what the log was saying
but another playlist comes up as saying playlist 59 songs but underneath says playlist is empty
More testing required - will report back so Sindre ignore comments about the playlist problems for the moment

Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:16 pm
by fist34
Unfortunately searching no longer seems useful. Searching an artist name didn't bring up his tracks on compilation albums. However this worked properly in 4.6.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:34 pm
by bcrivers
I am running it on Intel Core i7-3770K CPU 3.50GHz, with 16GB of RAM. I have a total of 10 playlists, each has about 16 songs. I am testing it on Chrome and Internet explorer. The same behavior occurs on both browsers.
Playlist behavior:
1. I click on Create new playlist, nothing happens.
2. Manually imported an m3u from 4.6 backup, able to play and load. Unable to delete existing tracks. Press remove button nothing happens.
3. Click on a playlists that was imported automatically during upgrade, opened and pressed delete. Nothing happens, list is not deleted.
4. I am able to rename an imported playlist
5. Load a playlist, select Play. Plays correctly.
6. On a loaded playlist, unable to move tracks up or down to sort.
7. Checked the logs, one error "File in playlist 'TIme Life.m3u' not found: /media/hda2/musica/Pop/Bobby Darin/That's All/02 Beyond The Sea.mp3". This is the correct path and file exists.
8. Some of the playlists lists 11 songs, but when opened are empty.
I will retest by installing on a new clean server.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:55 pm
by bcrivers
I am running it on Intel Core i7-3770K CPU 3.50GHz, with 16GB of RAM. I did further testing, it appears I was mistaken in my previous post. I am able to delete, import, modify, and open playlists. I see that I just had to wait longer for the action to take effect.
Working with playlists I get the following behavior:
1. Opened a 5 song playlist, takes about 6 seconds to open, can't delete playlist until the shared number of songs is displayed "..on August 3, 2012. Shared. 5 songs (20:19)"
2. Press the sort up and down for a track, takes about 10 seconds for the track order to refresh.
3. Delete an existing track, takes about 10 seconds to refresh. (Same behavior in Chrome, Internet Explorer, and firefox)
So it appears working with playlists functions work correctly, however a delay exists when taking any sort of action on them.
This is isolated to just playlists, working with other parts of the music library is fast and responsive.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:33 pm
by GJ51
You should definitely see faster response times on your platform than on my little dual core. I'm doing some testing on my primary media server and starting to see some anomalies. I created an initial playlist with 211 tracks. I then tried to add another album to it and it isn't updating. I also find the "Sharing" function confusing as I think? this just means that you are letting other users see/play the playlist if they are logged onto your site as opposed to creating a link that you can send as we're used to doing from the "Share" feature as we have become accostomed to it. I think "Accessible to all users" is what is meant.
I have been waiting while composing this post and it doesn't appear that any of my attempts to append to the playlist have been successful.
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:18 pm
by Jahava
Small MiniSub link bug: The link to MiniSub in the "More" panel doesn't include the
<context-path> parameter. This bug is just with the generated link; manually adding the context path correctly takes me to the (awesome) MiniSub player.
It should be:
- Code: Select all
It currently is:
- Code: Select all
Great release so far, loving it!
Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:21 pm
by wesssider
Thank you, testing now...

Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:58 pm
by BKKKPewsey
OK I managed to break it
Playing with the playlist settings something got scr##ded and I ended up with a 503 error.
Re-installed - no change
So I put back my old 4.6 SS folder and re-installed 4,7 again, SS currently scanning in folders again
One thing I did notice was with ref: to Podcasts
The folder path in settings/podcasts was set to c:\music\podcasts
That folder/path has never existed on my server
I changed the path to the correct one but if I hit the podcast tab I get:-
- Code: Select all
Exception java.lang.SecurityException
Message Access denied to file c:\music\Podcast\Annie Mac's minimix\r1mix_20120803-1900a.mp3
Java version Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.6.0_33
So the path is not updating

Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta3 released

Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:26 am
by Castius
Updated from 4.6
Got 503 error
Is there anything you would like me to test?
log file had this in it.