Add Virtual Hosts Restrictions

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Add Virtual Hosts Restrictions

Postby degan6 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:21 pm

Has anyone or does anyone know how to add virtual hosts to Subsonic. I have about 10 domains pointing to my server with subsonic on it and only want one to work Subsonic. I found this link but don't know which file to put it in.
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Re: Add Virtual Hosts Restrictions

Postby Exrace » Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:36 am

Do you use a firewall in front of your setup?
Might be easier to do that with a firewall like Sophos and the built-in web application firewall (WAF).
I use Sophos UTM to host many different web servers behind my cable connection on just two ip addresses.
I can publish SSL and non SSL content to the same Subsonic server and not have to run SSL on Subsonic but publish it on SSL at the WAF for secure remote streaming.

Subsonic does use jetty but I wouldn't mess with the config due to upgrades that could break your edits.
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Re: Add Virtual Hosts Restrictions

Postby daniell » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:06 pm

Me to using Sophos UTM, and I would like to know how you set up Sophos UTM for Subsonic ssl and non sll..
Am running subsonic jetty on a linux Centos server behind Sophos UTM.. :)

Supermicro Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3555LE CPU @ 2.50GHz, 4 cores 8gb ram
CentOS Linux 6.6 Server, jetty-6.1.x, java 1.7.0_71, Linux (143,2 MB / 437,5 MB) Subsonic 5.1
Supermicro Intel® Atom™ D510 4gb ram
Sophos Security Gateway UTM /v9
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