How to Transcode and Stream Avi to Flv With Seeking

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Re: Not binary

Postby onewalrus » Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:52 am

phxchiefs wrote:This tutorial states to download flvtool++ from the link but unfortunately that link location only provides the source code and from the look of it the source code is specifically made to compile in Linux. So unless you can compile in Windows, which is not a simple exercise this tutorial will not work. Has anyone had success compiling in Linux and/or Windows? If so please provide some "guidance" to the process. Thank you.

You unpack the tar/gz and put everything extracted except the readme files into the transcoding folder of subsonic.
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Postby kapz » Tue May 18, 2010 7:00 pm

This is interesting. I've played around with Orb and TVersity a little on my windows box a few months back (was streaming video to my Wii). They both work so-so, but I've since built a unRaid server (slackware) and Subsonic runs faster on the single 2.7Ghz than it ever did on windows.

I have since added a AMD 635 (2.9Ghz) quad-core because I also use the server to encode video and wanted a little more power. It's overkill for slackware. I might run a vm server off the machine and the extra power would come in handy. It sure does encode a dvd fast as hell 8)

Anyhow, the server should be powerful enough to transcode video on the fly and I find myself revisiting the idea of getting Subsonic to do my bidding. Was anyone able to get video working on linux? Will this work with h.264 files?
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Postby tgrhp » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:37 pm

I am unable to get flvtool++ or flvtool2 to work with ffmpeg in subsonic. It seems to work fine in the terminal though.

From what I read flvtool2 is the only metadata injector that can handle stdin and output to stdout.

Also subsonic seems to run the steps the same as piping which means that the entire video has to be transcoded before handed off to flvtool2. Making this not really on the fly.

Has anyone been able to seek an on the fly transcoded video?
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