Change JW Player To Auto-Continue To Next Song
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:33 pm
One of the problems that I've run into constantly with Subsonic media sharing is that if I share a playlist or an album with someone, the playback will only play one song. From then on out if the user wants to play the next song they have to click the song in the playlist. This gets annoying if you have a large playlist or a large album.
Since JW Player supports continuing to the next song (all you have to do is change a flash variable), I wrote a patch that will cause the player to continue to the next item in the playlist until it reaches the end of the playlist.
Here are the instructions for applying the patch (I wrote them for *nix based systems, Windows users will have to adapt them):
Now when your shared media player (JW Player) reaches the end of the first song, it will continue to the next song in the playlist!
Since JW Player supports continuing to the next song (all you have to do is change a flash variable), I wrote a patch that will cause the player to continue to the next item in the playlist until it reaches the end of the playlist.
Here are the instructions for applying the patch (I wrote them for *nix based systems, Windows users will have to adapt them):
- Download the attached patch file
- Log in to the computer with your subsonic instance running on it (if you're not there already) and kill the subsonic service
- Find your Subsonic installation folder and run the following commands:
- Code: Select all
cp subsonic.war /tmp
mkdir /tmp/subsonic
cd /tmp/subsonic
jar -xvf ../subsonic.war
- Upload the patch file to wherever you're hosting subsonic (if you're not already there) and place it in the /tmp directory
- Run the following commands:
- Code: Select all
cd /tmp/subsonic
patch -p1 < ../continue_playlist.patch
jar -cf ../ *
- Now change directory to your subsonic installation and run the following commands:
- Code: Select all
mv subsonic.war subsonic.war.old
mv /tmp/ subsonic.war
rm -rf /tmp/subsonic/
rm /tmp/subsonic.war /tmp/subsonic-sharing-domain.patch
- If you were running any of these commands as something other than the user that runs subsonic, make sure that you chown the subsonic.war file back to the original user with something like "chown subsonic:subsonic subsonic.war"
- Start subsonic again
Now when your shared media player (JW Player) reaches the end of the first song, it will continue to the next song in the playlist!