Subsonic as a general web server
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:40 pm
I've been trying to figure out the best way to have Apache2 and Subsonic co-exist on an Ubuntu platform and I think I've figured it out - don't use apache at all. After messing around with setting up apache to include subsonic as a virtual directory via proxy pass (and failing because I want apache to be on port 80 and subsonic to be available from the same machine and served out port 80), and also trying by setting up subsonic on a different ubuntu box than the apache server while using proxy pass, I've realized that I could just use the Subsonic Jetty server as my server. At this point I am only configuring it to use login, where you hit the site and your prompted to log in. Once logged in you get the Subsonic interface. What I plan to do is either move the directory Subsonic is serving from down one level and then locate the server web pages not requiring auth at the top level of the Jetty server. Or, re-write the index.html and index.jsp pages at the top level to include linkage to the other web pages I want to serve. In any case, what I've done so far is created a www folder in the /var/subsonic/jetty/1944/webapp path on the Ubuntu box and then placed an index.htm page inside it. It serves up the .htm page and the index.html pages separately, so this is a good indicator that what I am trying to do will work as expected. It seems that php doesn't work natively but I'm gonna see what I can do with that.