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Custom domain name

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:20 am
by heynowsaywhat
I wanted to know if it's possible to have a custom domain url so my Subsonic address turns to a ""

can I use 1& for this?

Is Subsonic ever going to have this has an option?

Thank you


PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:31 am
by Emergence
It is possible since I know there is a thread in the forum that describes the server that is hosted on godaddy, not sure if that will help you or not though.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:45 am
by heynowsaywhat
Well I know godaddy can host but I'm not trying to pay for online space and bandwidth use charge... I just wanna be able to havemy own custom domain name.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:32 pm
by bushman4
If you are running subsonic on Port 80, then you can easily have a custom domain name... Just go add the appropriate records to the DNS servers hosting your domain, and it will work fine.

For example, if you own "" and want "" to point to your subsonic server, then add an A record to your DNS with the address of your subsonic server and the name "subsonic".

If you are not serving subsonic on port 80, it is a little more difficult. You have to know how to set up a web server that will answer back with a "302" message when prompted that redirects to your real subsonic address and port. Continuing the above example, if you want "" to redirect to your real subsonic server at, then you would have to have the A record above point to a web server you have control of, and would have to set that web server up to answer to the Host Header "" and feed back a 302 redirect to

I can help you with specifics in Windows using IIS or apache if you want help setting it up. But your ISP needs to allow inbound port 80 traffic for it to work correctly.



PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:25 am
by Minime
bushman4 have explained the process eloquently. I use a very similar method, but i host subsonic myself at home. My routers Upnp is useless and i found my domain not always forwarding due to my router. I had a domain already hosted with for other purposes so i just created a subdomain called: and setup an A record as described above to point to my external ip address(i lease a static ip address already). I then opened port 4040 to forward to my ubuntu subsonic server's internal ip address and it is all working flawlessly.

If you don't have a static external ip address, you can overcome that by using something like or similar.

I don't have an experience with 1&1, but have an excellent control panel that is very powerful and gives you full control over your domain and i would recommend them to anyone.

Re: Custom domain name

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:44 am
If you are not serving subsonic on port 80, it is a little more difficult. You have to know how to set up a web server that will answer back with a "302" message when prompted that redirects to your real subsonic address and port. Continuing the above example, if you want "" to redirect to your real subsonic server at, then you would have to have the A record above point to a web server you have control of, and would have to set that web server up to answer to the Host Header "" and feed back a 302 redirect to

I'm having trouble figuring this out. I have a web server/domain but I don't understand how to edit my A record (is that a configuration with the domain registrar?) or how to setup the response to header information with 302 redirect. Do you have any good sources that I can reference in order to learn this?

Re: Custom domain name

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:41 pm
by dr3van
With 1&1 you:

1. Go to the and sign in.

2. Click domains

3. Click the check-mark next to the domain you wish to use for subsonic.

4. Then along the top of the domains there is a DNS drop-down & select edit DNS

5. Scroll down to where it says "IP Address (A-Record) :" and change it from 1&1 IP Address to Other IP Address

6. It will then load a section of 4 text-boxes to input your public ip address where your server is located.

7. Select OK and give it a few minutes for the dns records to update and you should be good to go.

This will work for http or https. No need to specify the port in the dns record as it always looks for port 80 and 443.