Long time Subsonic user (registered for premium in 2010). Don't know what I would do without SS. I have a fairly large amount of media:
3,631 artists / 8,666 albums /109,920 songs / 2654.92 GB - (Subsonic 6.0 [build 830afc], Windows 10 Pro)
I mostly have music, but have recently been experimenting with video. I have an interesting issue that has been happening for several versions. "Root" level video folders all appear empty when browsing by folder (or any other browsing). If I search for the video files contained in them, the files show up in the results (so I know they're indexed) and they play fine. But I can only browse video files if they are contained within a subfolder.
For example, if the Media Folder is called "video" and set to "E:\videos", then when I browse to "video" it would be empty. But if that folder contained two subfolders "TV", and "Movies", then those subfolders do appear in SS and I can browse to them. And when I enter the subfolders, I see all the content. I can work around this by putting everything in a subfolder, but it just seems odd to me. This does not happen with music folders, thankfully. If anyone has any advice, please let me know.