How to manage folders for LDAP users?

Dear Sindre,
I managed to get my Subsonic server working for my school. Settings:
LDAP URL: ldap://,dc=nl
LDAP searchfilter: (&(sAMAccountName={0})(&(objectCategory=user)(memberof=cn=pupils,cn=Users,dc=school,dc=nl)))
LDAP manager DN: domainname\ldapquery Wachtwoord
Maak automatisch gebruikers aan in Subsonic
I tested with a pupil account and found a folder attached. But where/how do I manage what folder(s) are linked to what ldap users? And how can I manage the rights of these users? Apparently they are now (fully) authorized to do things I don't want them to do.
The situation becomes more complicated: teachers need different rights. How can I manage this?
Kind regards,
Jan Willem
I managed to get my Subsonic server working for my school. Settings:
LDAP URL: ldap://,dc=nl
LDAP searchfilter: (&(sAMAccountName={0})(&(objectCategory=user)(memberof=cn=pupils,cn=Users,dc=school,dc=nl)))
LDAP manager DN: domainname\ldapquery Wachtwoord
Maak automatisch gebruikers aan in Subsonic
I tested with a pupil account and found a folder attached. But where/how do I manage what folder(s) are linked to what ldap users? And how can I manage the rights of these users? Apparently they are now (fully) authorized to do things I don't want them to do.
The situation becomes more complicated: teachers need different rights. How can I manage this?
Kind regards,
Jan Willem