BKKKPewsey wrote:Anyone know how to install this on Windows pc with SS installed using the windows installer.
I aint got a WAR file
I'm not sure how the windows version installs but it should create a 'webapp' folder somewhere. You can just back that folder up and unzip the .war into the webapp directory.
The folder structure should be like this:
etc etc.
The .war contains all of the files for the webpage app, including the updated .class files (under WEB-INF/classes), so it should pretty much be an all-in-one except for the booter\loader.
The booter\loader is probably a separate .exe or .bat which uses the .war to create the initial webapp directory and serve files from it.
If it doesn't work after you unzip the new files into the webapp directory, just restore your old webapp files and it will be back to the old 4.5.
It's fairly safe to mess around with most of this stuff, the only remnant that will be left behind will be the new database columns it creates for the options I've added (list_rows, list_columns, webfont, etc).
Those values will persist in your database unless you do the following:
go to more>database viewer, use the following sql "ALTER TABLE user_settings DROP COLUMN list_rows". You'll need to do the same for list_columns and webfont.
I don't think it will hurt anything if these columns are left behind should you decide to downgrade back to 4.5.
Anyways, let me know if you're able to get it going. I plan to get an installer package compiled as soon as I've got enough feedback to deem a stable release and once I've got everything synced to svn.