Correction of the german translation

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Correction of the german translation

Postby 3R3 » Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:57 pm

I looked into the german translation because i found some typos and some awkwardly (sp?) translated words, so I ended up checking the whole file for typos and strange translations. Anyways i thought i might share it, after review by some other german users, it may become useful for the next release.

the file "":

this file goes to "(YOUR_SUBSONIC_FOLDER)\jetty\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\net\sourceforge\subsonic\i18n"

please do make a backup before you try it out. also in order to see the changes, the server has be be restarted AND the browser cache has to be cleared.

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Postby sindre_mehus » Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:52 pm

Thanks, I'll add it to the next release. Any other updates are welcome.

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Re: Correction of the german translation

Postby oxide[NL] » Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:26 am

3R3 wrote:I looked into the german translation because i found some typos and some awkwardly (sp?) translated words, so I ended up checking the whole file for typos and strange translations. Anyways i thought i might share it, after review by some other german users, it may become useful for the next release.

the file "":

this file goes to "(YOUR_SUBSONIC_FOLDER)\jetty\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\net\sourceforge\subsonic\i18n"

please do make a backup before you try it out. also in order to see the changes, the server has be be restarted AND the browser cache has to be cleared.


nice now i know here to find the lang files
i will make a better dutch translation,
it isnt too bad from the creator but i did found
some mistakes
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Re: Correction of the german translation

Postby sindre_mehus » Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:15 pm

oxide[NL] wrote:nice now i know here to find the lang files
i will make a better dutch translation,
it isnt too bad from the creator but i did found
some mistakes

That's excellent, but please note that I recently received an updated Dutch translation that hasn't been released yet.

Please find the latest version here.

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Postby oxide[NL] » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:39 am

thnx for letting me know,

ok compared the new lang version from that guy and mine
pretty much the same,..
so only thing to do is take the english one and add the
new 3.7 option lines and translate them to dutch
i will add the new option lines to his translation
because his trans is more complete than mine by now
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Postby oxide[NL] » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:56 am

shocking Sindre u have add many new lines :| ( 150 or so )
ah well,. more work in spare time for me ^^
already translated around 50 ^^
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German Language Update

Postby deejay2302 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:57 am

NEW Language Update:

The following is new:

*Menü complete translate to german (Advanced etc.)
*Help Popups complete translate to german
*Several typographical eliminated
*Incorrect descriptions changed. Large-/lower case repaired.
*Link to Transcoder Pack corrected

Folgendes ist neu:
*Das Menü habe ich komplett in Deutsch übersetzt. (Advanced=Erweitert)
*Die Hilfe-Popups (Kleine Fragezeichen hinter den Feldern) sind jetzt komplett in Deutsch. Habe noch einige Fehler beseitigt wie: Keinen Sinn ergebende Sätze^^
*Sämtliche Schreibfehler sind behoben (Hoffe habe nichts übersehen)
*Groß-/Kleinschreibung ausgebessert
*Link zum Transcoder Pack korrigiert (Wahr nicht erreichbar)

Quasi heisst das: Nichts mehr in english!! Viel Spass damit!

Sollte ich doch was übersehen haben bitte per PN anschreiben.

Have Fun!!


Find new english words. Are corrected. (Nobody is perfect^^)
Quick Update 14. Okt 2009
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Postby agroni1888 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:51 am

Great work.

I downloaded your translations and did some fixes - some sentences had wrong word order, plus were some words still in english and I corrected some mixture of german-english (like playlisten to playlists) etc.

Still great work. I think it's always nice when more people look over it.

15.10.09: Again a new german translations file

Download my corrected translations:

I think now we have a quite nice quality of the german translation.



Super Arbeit.

Ich habe deine Übersetzung heruntergeladen und noch ein paar Dinge korrigiert - ein paar Sätze hatten z.B. noch eine falsche Anordnung der Wörter - ganz wenige Wörter waren noch in englisch und ich habe auch noch ein paar "Vermischungen" von englisch-deutsch korrigiert (z.b. Playlisten zu Playlists). Und noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten.

Nochmals: Tolle Arbeit.
Ich denke es ist immer gut wenn mehrere Leute daran arbeiten.

15.10.09: Neue Deutsche Übersetzungsdatei:

Meine korrigierte Übersetzungen herunterladen:

Ich denke wir haben jetzt eine recht hochwertige Qualität bei der deutschen Übersetzung

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Postby sindre_mehus » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:25 am

Well done! Thank you guys.

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Postby deejay2302 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:54 pm

Danke nochmal für das nachträgliche bearbeiten. Super das sich noch jemand die Mühe macht da noch etwas dran zu verändern :)

Hab nochmal ein Update gemacht und noch ein paar kleine Feinheiten korrigiert und ausgebessert.

Thanks again for the subsequent process. Great to see someone else the trouble of doing there still some truth to change

Have again made an update and still corrects a few small refinements and repaired

Und zwar folgendes:
And although the following:

*Menü: Player / Player hat eine dynamische IP Adressse (Hast Adresse mit 3 s geschrieben^^)

*Menü: Transcoding / Default = Standard
*Menü: Erscheinung / Browse = Navigation | Playlist = Playliste
*Menü: Erscheinung / Personal Image = Eigenes Bild
*Button: Cancel = Abbruch
*Alle Wörter wie Playlist ersetzt durch Playlisten/Playliste (Hattest da noch so einige vergessen xD)

I can´t find On Menu: Erscheinung/Maximale Bitrate / >>No Limit<< ??
Ich finde das No Limit nirgends im englischen Menü. Könnte du das noch korrigieren falls du es finden solltest ?

15.09.2009 Quick Update (Neuestes Update)
Last edited by deejay2302 on Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby agroni1888 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:01 pm

*Alle Wörter wie Playlist ersetzt durch Playlisten/Playliste (Hattest da noch so einige vergessen xD)

LOL i tried to do the diffrent thing I changed all "Playlisten" to "Playlists" and all "Playliste" too "Playlist", cause I didn't like the mix of german and english ;)
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Postby deejay2302 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:25 pm

Lool. The Real Words are Playlisten and Playliste. ;) Is not a mix of german-english in my translation. Are Only German Translation. xD

Hmm what we doing as next ? xD
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Postby agroni1888 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:29 am

deejay2302 wrote:Lool. The Real Words are Playlisten and Playliste. ;) Is not a mix of german-english in my translation. Are Only German Translation. xD

Hmm what we doing as next ? xD
Well the absolut correct words would be "Wiedergabeliste/n" (maybe you should change it to that?) ;P but you can also keep it in your way. I'm ok with that, even if I don't like it a lot ;)
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Postby deejay2302 » Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:09 am

I must it test. Words are very long. The Word Play is in-germad xD

See after next Update ;)
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Postby deejay2302 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:46 am

*NEW Quick Update* Date: 07.01.2010

Update for Subsonic 3.8

Be back with new Update for German Translation. ;)

Wish a Happy New Year :D

Download New "subsonic.war" here:
Last edited by deejay2302 on Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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