These screenshots are a little old and need to be updated:
Subsonic default:
Some screen shots of the other themes:
- 2 minutes:
back in black:
barents sea:
cool and clean:
high contrast:
high contrast (inverted):
high tech:
midnight fun:
monochrome black:
outlook black:
pink panther:
sonic blue:
sonic white:
The screenshots were all taken in Chromium (Chrome) browser but the changes should be cross-compatible with IE and Firefox and everything should look the same between Chrome, Firefox and IE (8+).
I haven't tried Opera yet, but Firefox and IE 8+ render accurately. IE 7 does not render properly yet (working on it).
On a side note, I've optimized this for display at 1680x1050 resolution so it may not look right on lower resolutions.
This is NOT considered a stable version. Only a minimal amount of testing has been completed to make sure there are no obvious or critical issues.
Do not use this if you do not have backup copies of your files including your music files as I take no responsibility for any errors or data corruption.
The underlying sub-system that maintains the file information has been left intact and unchanged and should not cause any issues with new or previous installations.
If you run into any issues or bugs, don't say I didn't warn you.
Please document any bugs thoroughly before submitting: helpful information includes screenshots, operating system, web browser, what were you doing at the time the error occurred, and whether the issue can be reproduced or not.
If you accept responsibility for testing it, you can download here:
Last Updated: Nov. 25, 08:15:08 PM PST
Just keep in mind there ARE bugs, it MIGHT break something and you SHOULD update to newer (stabler) versions as I release them.
If you need any help, please post here and not in the 'Help' forum, as that is reserved for the Official Subsonic version. Thanks!
Installation instructions *Temporary until I start building the installer
- Stop Subsonic
- Delete the jetty/#### folder or (preferably) back it up to another location.
- Delete the old subsonic.war file or (preferably) back it up to another location.
- Copy the new subsonic.war file
- Restart Subsonic
If you have any issues, you can downgrade back to the stable 4.5 version by following these steps:
- Stop Subsonic
- Delete the jetty/#### folder
- Delete the new subsonic.war
- Copy your backup subsonic.war (or download it from Subsonic Sourceforge)
- Restart Subsonic.
Details for configuring webfonts
I've set my system webfont to 'PT Sans': try changing your webfont to 'Ubuntu' or 'Ubuntu:b', or to see a more dramatic change 'Gochi Hand' or 'Salsa'.
There are some other nice ones like 'Istok Web', 'Maven Pro', 'Lato', 'Open Sans'
Each user can customize their own font.
Anything that is on the list here,, will work.. be careful though, some fonts are really ugly!
You can use the options ":b" or ":300", ":400", ":700" or ":i" or ":italic" to request a specific style of font, if the style for that font exists.
If you enter something like 'Quicksand:i' which is not a valid font (no italic version of Quicksand), it won't hurt anything and will just use the regular OS fonts.
I need to figure out how to check if the webfont is available and if not then it rejects the input or finds the closest valid match.
Another example would be if you enter 'Open Sans Condensed" it returns:
- Code: Select all
/* Open Sans Condensed (style: normal, weight: 400) is not available */
/* However, style: normal, weight: 300 is available */
/* However, style: italic, weight: 300 is available */
/* Not supported. */
Since the default request for the webfont is sent for :400 and only a :300 style exists, it bombs out.
It can be fixed if the user enters the correct style for the font (Open Sans Condensed:300), but they wouldn't know unless they actually check what styles of the font are available.
- Changed css loading methods and overhead/duplicate loading (ie, stop loading playermod/accordion css in main css and only load on playlist/left pages)
- Menu area changed to buttonsets and buttons versus standard hyperlinks
- Input forms restyled to completely use jQuery UI styling for ease of theming
- Multiple legacy javascript code changes
- Switch from Fancy zoom to Fancy box
- Switch from webfx slider to jQuery UI slider
- Remove playermod foreground files and switch player to use jQuery UI icons
- Multiple css cleanup/condense and fixes.
- Fixed new user 'comma' issue
- Fixed manual search index update button
- Some other stuff I probably forgot.
- various bug fixes
- player load stability fixed
- Improved Drag and Drop playlist sorting.
- Drag and Drop playlist sorting.
- Fixed main frame menu not showing up on some pages (load playlist, video player)
- Synchronized to latest build 2508/2510 changes
- fixed podcast receiver persistent top link
- jQuery animations and transitions added
- fixes to lyrics engine, added musiXmatch api lyrics lookup. musiXmatch api key required (free for 'developers', just sign up).
- Accordion interaction style from 'click' to 'hoverintent', to reduce the amount of clicking needed to navigate the folder list.
main focus was cleanup of themes: - layout styling fixes and theme fixes
- jQuery accordion styles separated from themes
- playermod bg\fg separation and separation from themes
- theme structure separated from theme style
- base files follow same file naming conventions
- theme properties modified so images named consistently
- theme css files cleaned up based from subsonic theme so tags follow the same order.
- updated jwplayer to the latest 5.8
- updated prototype.js to 1.7
- updated jquery to 1.6.4 and jquery-ui to 1.8.16
- changed jquery, prototype and scriptaculous and swfobject to load from google ajax api to improve loading time.
- changed subeq style for audio player
- added ability to set webfonts for the entire system or each user can specify their own. More on this below.
- cleaned up and integrated similar artists widget mod by mqchen
- added ability for users to skin the jwplayer video window by theme for even better player customization.
- added logging failed login attempts by IP
- top.jsp: Removed javascript topimg onmouseover switching and uses :hover instead.
- top.jsp: Added container layers to dynamically center top menu
- left.jsp: Removed "dotbars" div elements which did not render properly.
- left.jsp: "Music Count\Index", "Shortcuts", "Internet TV\Radio" changed to accordion style at the top of list.
- left.jsp: Added container layers to dynamically center menu and accordion
- left.jsp: "Folder List" and "Album List Size" dropdown styles modified.
- left.jsp: Modified layers so left frame menu will float at top and accordion content will scroll by itself
- home_searchbox.jsp: Removed album navigation controls when list type 'users' selected.
- home_searchbox.jsp, main_searchbox.jsp, changeCoverArt.jsp: Adjusted pagination links div placement and alignment.
- home.jsp, home_searchbox.jsp: Added javascript functions to preserve 'Home' album list size, type and offset settings.
- home.jsp: Removed 'user' list type and moved "User Statistics" page to status.jsp
- home.jsp: Modified layers so main frame menu will float at top and main content will scroll by itself.
- home.jsp: Changed style for navigation links at top
- home.jsp, main.jsp, settingsHeader.jsp: Added capitalize tags to set title case to categories, play options and settings links.
- main_searchbox.jsp: Added marquee styling for long album or artist names
- main_searchbox.jsp: navigation links dynamically constructed based on conditions
- main_searchbox.jsp, home_searchbox.jsp: Container layers dynamically center
- main.jsp: Changed playcount string "Played 1 times" to "Played Once".
- main.jsp: 'Formatting Options' now hidden layer which can be shown by clicking 'Formatting Options' link
- main.jsp: Search links are now icons and changed to "float:right".
- main.jsp: Search urls use Google "" and "I'm Feeling Lucky" (seems to provide more accurate results)
- changeCoverArt.jsp: "Previous" and "Next" links always displayed (set to "#" when at the first or last page).
- changeCoverArt.jsp: Miscellaneous margin and padding adjustments.
- changeCoverArt.jsp: Added picture zoom function and added 'Set as Cover Image' link
- changeCoverArt.jsp: Moved 'Specify from URL' input into a 'drop down' layer
- podcastReceiver.jsp: "Show\Hide Episodes" and 'Dowload\Delete selected' buttons toggle accordingly.
- changeCoverArt.jsp, podcastReceiver.jsp: added basic validation checks when adding podcast or image from URI
- podcastReceiver.jsp, settingsHeader.jsp, status.jsp, help.jsp, db.jsp: Added searchbox headers and changed control placement and alignment.
- status.jsp: moved logfile and user statistics to 'Status' page.
- more.jsp: miscellaneous style changes.
- more.jsp: upload file buttons moved into 'drop down' layer
- right.jsp: added clock above calendar
- right.jsp: cleaned up calendar coding so spacing is correct and hover effects don't make things move
- right.jsp: 'Now Playing' info will display the 'current' (logged in) user at the top, then list 'other users' below
- right.jsp: added function to scroll Now Playing info (title - artist) in Subsonic title bar.
- shareSettings.jsp: Fixed to show all settings for admin users (preserves settingsHeader.jsp).
- help.jsp: Changed to 'about.jsp' and centered tables information.
- playlist.jsp: Adjusted playlist solidblockmenu controls to "float:right"
- db.jsp: added dropdown select boxes to help build basic SQL queries
- index.jsp: rearranged frame layout\design and sizing.
- logfile.jsp: moved log file information to it's own page.
- default.css: Cleaned up and modified for easier theme creation.
- Other miscellaneous fixes and changes.
- Updated screenshots for themes and 'theme previews' in settings
Sort Albums by Year when viewing an Artist (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8057)
User 'Group' permissions for media folders (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7984)
Random playlist generator tweaks: ability to select multiple genres, ability to set max file size limit (IE 4GB, 8GB etc. for mp3 players)
Improve Playlist sort functionality (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2367&start=60)
Improve search functionality (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5004)
Sort podcast episodes reverse chronological (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7221)
Improve Drag and Drop playlist functionality (drag from album-view to playlist window to add tracks)
Maybe some other feature requests (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8040, viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1830, )
fix similar songs
better lyrics engine (embedded or scrape via ajax)
Language translations : would like to try to automate the conversion process, not sure how accurate this would be.
separate musiXmatch, music brainz, etc services in backend.
log file tooltips
desktop notifications
x-browser compatibility.
Allow user\general ability to disable animations for increased performance.
fancyzoom -> fancybox (jquery)
dddropdownpanel -> jquery
jscal -> jquery
wz_tooltips -> jquery
slider -> jquery
niceforms -> ?
change frames to objects
setup demo site
prototype/scriptaculous -> jQuery/UI, underscore
- similar songs are turned off for now due to no backend support and a bug im figuring out. (it only queries artists at the current time)
playlist.jsp: wierd player bug sometimes displays wrong player (ie, a web player is selected but it tries to load the playlist into an external player)
woff font format being transferred as 'Other' due to jetty service not recognizing the font file type.
log gets spammed when user keeps hitting refresh when url is 'login.view?error' (ie, after failed login attempt, user can keep pressing F5 to generate log events)
webfont doesn't work if valid font name is given but font style doesn't exist.
playlist dropdown panel does not 'remember' settings -> to be fixed with jquery cookies
"continue playing random songs" checkbox appears off-screen niceforms issue. switch to ?? jquery?
scroll bars disappear when window too small
item spacing when window too small
internet explorer 7 compatibility fixes (stuff is broken in ie7 but ie8 and ie9 are fine)
still some 'workarounds' and 'hacks' to get things to work properly which need to be hard-fixed.
themes don't look as nice in other languages due to longer naming conventions etc. Need to shorten things up like the Spanish translation "Configuración" extends into 'Estado'
Drag and drop playlist a little fidgety, sometimes doesn't put it in correct order or moves other songs...