I have a somewhat large music library running with Subsonic (~200GB) and except for my one problem it is fantastic.
My problem is thus: If there is any non-Latin character involved (ie áöø etc), the file does not get indexed in Subsonic. By this I mean that those files just simply do not appear in the list to be played.
I can play the files in other music programs with no trouble. Other applications (Exaile is the only program that comes to mind) have no issues indexing the same directories.
I can't quite figure out what is going wrong and so I turn to you.
I have Subsonic running on Arch Linux. I'm using XFS for my filesystem and my locale is set to en_US.UTF-8 .
I have LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf-8 as well as LANG=en_US.utf-8 set in the script to start Subsonic which I saw as tips in various searches on the web including this forum.
Any ideas?