Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby Foyaxe » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:41 pm

Nice beta, lots of nice changes :)

Till now, i have been organizing my music by Artist/Year - Album/... in order to get the albums sorted by the release date.
Now subsonic does that automatically. Very nice. Gotta change few thousand album names and will lose the "x times played" info on them and destroy the playlists, but nevermind.

When I set the year tag for an album because it hasnt been set before, the year information which SS uses to sort the albums doesnt get updated until I change the folder name of the album.
SS should update the album year information when media folders are scanned.

And, German translation hasnt been updated for the new feature texts.
Probably several languages are missing.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby jayw654 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:14 am

Having refresh issues.
1. after changing album it does it successfully but doesn't show the updated art unless I completely shut the server down and restart it. I tried simply refreshing the browser but this does nothing in firefox or chrome.
2. After adding new album I get the same refresh issue as mentioned above and the same things were tried as in issue 1.

I have notice if I go under "Media Folders" and tell it to "Scan Media Folder Now" will forcefullt refresh everything but I'm use to it actively checking the directory for new content and art and updating it automatically
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby Alsaya » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:50 am

Thanks a lot for correcting the reported bugs, Sindre.
I've still one problem
I sort Double CDs like this
1977 - Status Quo - Live and inside this folder two other folders named 1977 - Status Quo - Live CD1 and 1977 - Status Quo - Live CD2
I've a Folder.jpg in all three folders but there isn't one of them displayed
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby benten127 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:14 pm


thx for this update!

I have a little problem for video player:

with the 4.6, I have include a little code for subtitle in videoPlayer.jsp (subsonic\jetty\2585\webapp\WEB-INF\jsp\videoPlayer.jsp)

here the code for subtitles in the videoPlayer.jsp:

Code: Select all
    <.... here are code ....>

    var player;
    var position;
    var maxBitRate = ${model.maxBitRate};
    var timeOffset = ${model.timeOffset};
    var streamUrlPath = "${streamUrl}";
    var srtPath = streamUrlPath.substring(0,streamUrlPath.length-6)+'737274';

    function init() {

       var flashvars = {
          skin:"<c:url value="/flash/"/>",
          // plugins:"metaviewer-1",
    <.... here are code ....>

so, I add

var streamUrlPath = "${streamUrl}";
var srtPath = streamUrlPath.substring(0,streamUrlPath.length-6)+'737274';



(source: viewtopic.php?t=5708 )

but with 4.7 beta2, subtitle does not work anymore with this "patch".

Any idea for this probleme? thanks a lot and sorry for bad english :/
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby mr_nobody » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:23 pm

Re: New: Use ffmpeg rather than lame for downsampling.

Can this be overridden? I prefer to use lame for downsampling.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby GJ51 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:58 pm

Sure. Why not?

Just edit the Downsample command on the Settings/Advanced screen.

Be sure to put lame in the transcode directory.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby mr_nobody » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:24 pm

Thanks, that's what I figured but did not install the beta yet.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby mystery666 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:54 am

GJ51 wrote:
BKKKPewsey wrote:
GJ51 wrote:The import play lists can be a little tricky. Be sure you do it on the local host so that SS can see the local directory on the host machine when you hit the browse button. Unfortunately, each list must be imported individually. A batch import feature is going to be a must for anyone with a large number of playlists.

Yes I was a bit lacking in my report:
The playlists in question are my old 4.6 playlists - 4.7 can see them fine in the import dialogue - select file - shows up next to choose file - hit OK - nothing :(
I created a small playlist in 4.7 and that shows up :?
Anyone know where these "new" playlists are stored? - as we seem to have lost our old defined playlist folder - are they in the DB? -


I'm a pretty heavy subsonic user. I use it all day at work, 8 to 10 hours per day and I'm constantly modifying creating and deleting playlists. I've got around 30 right now. When i get home, i use XBMC as the front end on my media center and prior to 4.7 i simply had XBMC and Subsonic use the same playlist folder. Now, i'm not sure what I'll do because I won't want to have to export my playlists constantly. I'm not sure what was gained by eliminating the m3u files that all other programs use but maybe i'll be able to run some kind of command line task or something to export automatically. Any thoughts on how we'll be able to integrate the playlists from the DB to other apps without interaction?
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby neodawg » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:29 pm

Couple things-

I see there has been no improvement or redesign on the chat system. Would like to see it be able to track more than 10 messages. Ideally having an Admin configurable limit would be great.
EDIT2: Just another though on this, maybe make it possible to have hyperlinks in the chat clickable?

The other thing is will there be some sort of playlist import feature for existing playlists? Or some method for an Admin to import them and then assign them to the user? I guess you could just send the playlist to everyone and they could reimport them on their own account. (I think this would work, have not tried it yet.)

I am not seeing any issues with the new database scheme for storing tags. The scan is considerably slower, but I really dont care as this happens at 4am. It also makes the phone app much faster. So no complaints there. :D

EDIT: Just thought of another issue, If using IE9 none of the album art shows on the home page or in the artist folders either. Everything works fine in Chrome or FireFox. I have tried compatibility mode and that does not help. (see attached image)

Thanks, keep up the good work.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby gurutech » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:25 am

General question about the 4.7 update - if we have mods currently "installed" in our 4.6, will they be overwritten when/if we upgrade to 4.7 (beta or final release), or have the mods been included into the 4.7 beta/release?

The mods I'm interested in are the registration engine and the signature mods, but I'm sure there are other mods I haven't installed or that others have installed, and would like to keep the functionality.

If the mods aren't included, or would be overwritten, will the current code for the mods work with the newer release?
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby BKKKPewsey » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:42 am

All mods disappear on a upgrade - as to whether they will still function, you will need to ask the modders that question.

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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby rickeo » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:30 am

Hmm, when I would drop a folder of new music in my "Music" folder with any previous version, all it would take would be a page refresh on Subsonic to show the new addition. Its no longer showing up. :?

Uh oh.

Going to have to run a full media scan after I add anything now? And no, "fast access mode" is NOT turned on. My music is on a local RAID arrary.

Version 4.7.beta2 (build 3012) – June 9, 2012
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby utopian » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:04 am

installed fine and have my library as artist/album/album tracks...

album tracks are now listing alphabetically so not in correct running there a quick fix for this ?


Thanks as always for a great piece of software...:)

edit re-installed 4.6 and running order is fine again..
Last edited by utopian on Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby Foyaxe » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:07 am

There is something wrong with the media scanning.
Albums which I changed the directory still show up in the "home" tab with no cover.
If I click on them, I get "internal error".
So I thought I should delete the library and re-scan it completely.
That didnt add any albums any more.
So, im now re-scanning with 4.6 and seeing if it works.
Probably I will stay with 4.6 until 4.7beta3 because of too many bugs and instability.
For me, 4.7 is way slower than 4.6 by the way!

Im not saying 4.7 is bad, the new features are great.
Just needs a lot of bug fixing.
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Re: Subsonic 4.7.beta2 released

Postby rjshirts » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:22 pm

I'm having issues updating playlists. My setup is a little odd - I have about 32000 media files on a Win7 machine running Subsonic and iTunes - itunes for the ipods, SS for playing on the Android devices. I have a playlist called "My Top Rated" that I export from iTunes and into Subsonic. However, when I went to update the playlist this morning, instead of showing almost 1300 songs, it's only loading the last 25 songs my wife rated last night. When I open the playlist in notepad or jedit, it shows the full list. Any ideas what's going on here?
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