A few songs on one album don't play on app but play in web

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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A few songs on one album don't play on app but play in web

Postby MoreTrife » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:57 am

So this may not be a DSub issue but I thought I'd ask for help here anyways. There are a handful of songs off a couple albums that won't play in DSub. They play fine in web interface and any other player. The option button next to those tracks in particular are a different color, like grayed out. I can't figure out any reason why. It doesn't even generate log info. It pulls up the song name and artwork but just sits there. Doesn't download it, nothing happens when you hit play. Strange thing is the songs change. Like at first it was only the first two on the album but was able to play the rest. Now it is the first four. They are in flac format but like I said they work in web interface so don't think it is transcoding, especially because they've worked before. Thanks for any help.
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