[REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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[REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Postby groflix » Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:41 pm

is it possilbe to show the 5-star song rating from Ampache in DSub? Rating songs in DSub works, and get successfully synced with Ampache (3.8dev). But already rated songs don't show in DSub. Would be really great to show the song ratings in DSub!

A little issue I am experiencing: I can't add songs to playlists. I can create playlists in DSub, but I cannot add further songs.

I dont know if this is an DSub issue or Ampache, but I thought you may could look into that.

BTW: it would be nice if the search text would remain in the searchbox when the results are shown. Sometimes I make a typo, and I have to type the whole search again.

Also: Lockscreen/Systembar: is it possible to get the 5star rating to the lockscreen? I work heavily with the 5star ratings, and most of the times I unlock my phone just to rate the song.

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Re: [REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:09 pm

I tried this stuff out running against an Ampache installation someone has been letting me use for testing.

1) Ratings appear to be broken on Ampache's end. The ratings do not appear to be being sent in the data. Example after setting 5 star rating in web:

Code: Select all
<child id="300021497" parent="200002084" title="Shredders of the Universe" isDir="false" isVideo="false" type="music" albumId="200002084" album="100 Onces" artistId="100001597" artist="100 Onces" coverArt="200002084" duration="294" bitRate="278" track="1" year="2014" genre="Progressive Rock" size="10479133" suffix="mp3" contentType="audio/mpeg" path="100 Onces/100 Onces/100 Onces - 100 Onces - 01 Shredders of the Universe.mp3" transcodedSuffix="ogg" transcodedContentType="application/ogg"/>

2) Just tried it and it seems to work. Maybe try updating to latest dev?

3) I will add it to the TODO list. That should be simple enough.

4) There isn't any more room on the notification for thumbs up/down as well.
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Re: [REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Postby Afterster » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:37 pm

Indeed the rating think was an issue on Ampache ; I always discover some missing Subsonic API features ;)
This is fixed with commit https://github.com/ampache/ampache/comm ... fa64f0ce9a

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Re: [REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Postby groflix » Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:37 am

Wow, thanks so much! Ratings are working!!! :D :D

@Playlist: I have the latest Ampache(3.8dev), and I can add a song to a new playlist in DSub (add to playlist), which creates the playlist with the song. But when I want to add more songs, I get a connection error.

And big thanks to the great support in this forum, you guys rock!! :D
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Re: [REQ] Song Rating Sync with Ampache

Postby Afterster » Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:39 pm

Ok good.
About your playlist issue, I cannot reproduce it. Could you take a look on Ampache/Apache logs and maybe we can continue this discussion on Ampache google groups or GitHub?
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