chasmo wrote:I've been playing around with play:Sub and found some notes for you that might help with the next release:
chasmo wrote:--The "Genres" folder ignores Subsonic's user-level settings that control which folders (genres) the user sees. For example, my wife and I both use the same Subsonic server, but I have each of our users set up to only view our own folders.
I believe this is on the serverside - each request to the server is for the "apps user", and the server should - ideally - only return data relevant for that user.
chasmo wrote:--Crossfade doesn't seem to work. I tried changing the duration, but no luck.
Did you enable it on the player screen? There's a button with two horizontal bars, next to the equaliser one...
chasmo wrote:--For those of us with large collections, it would be great to have an option to turn off artist pics altogether. The problem is the pics make each line item fairly large, meaning lots of scrolling to get through a long list of artists.
Noted - you're not the first to ask. It's on the list, and will eventually be done,
chasmo wrote:--Can the genres view be alphabetized? It also seems to behaving strangely, possibly because it's getting the genre from the ID3 tags, rather than from the folders as I'm accustomed to in Subsonic's web interface. I'm seeing a lot of genres I don't expect and not seeing others I do expect.
Yes - below the title in the Genres-view you will find a small downward-pointing arrow... tap that one, and you'll be able to get the list alpha-sorted instead.
(and when you do that, you'll want the alpha-list to be default... that will happen in a future update
chasmo wrote:--How does "Audiobooks" determine what's an audiobook? I'm getting albums from the Comedy and Spoken Word genres in there too
play:Sub has a hardcoded list of genres that it considers audiobooks.
This will change to some other scheme when I revisit the audiobook support.
chasmo wrote:--Does play:Sub automatically apply ReplayGain? I do mine at the server level with transcoding, so I wouldn't necessarily want that turned on in the player.
It does not at the moment apply replay-gain. It will in the next release use replay gain if configured to do so.
chasmo wrote:None of the above are dealbreakers for me - just suggestions of minor tweaks you might look at next release.
Thanks a lot for the input, let me know your further thoughts when you have played more with the app.
Developer of play:Sub for iOS.