2 Download and Install Java - JDK QPG
3 Download and Install the Apache-Tomcat QPKG
You install these by loging into the NAS web admin page.
Then go to, System Tools -> QPKG -> Browse and upload the packages.
First "Java - JDK QPG" then "Apache-Tomcat"
I did a reboot of the NAS between the instals. (dont know if it matters)
The apache-tomcat needs to be enabeled, you do this also under the QPKG menu. Click apache-tomcat and the options wil be visible.
When it is enabled you can navigate to yor apache-tomcat page. (There is a link on the QPKG page to tomcat-apache.)
When you are on the Apache Tomcat page you go to :
-> Tomcat Manager
-> Scroll down and find the "WAR file to deploy" and brows to the downloaded war file and click Deploy.
Now you wil see /subsonic under Applications, click on it.
Thats it. No code to modify it just works

Remember there is a bug with the 3.7 beta1. Use the 3.6 version until the 3.7 is fixed.
Step 2 and 3 are borrowed from: