Hey guys i just got this error few hours ago, after restarting my service, cause of another java error and i came across this post hoping to find a solution for my problem but since there is non provided i fixed it on my own.
I checked the error log and i found out the subsonic itself cannot list on port 4040. In netstat/etc my subsonic was at CLOSE_WAIT status , but when I griped more deeply with
- Code: Select all
sudo netstat -anp|grep :4040
i found out there is some backend process running on the port which is most likely connected to the old subsonic PID or whatever.
your netstat table should be looking something like:
- Code: Select all
tcp6 0 0 :::4040 :::* LISTEN 27050/java
tcp6 642 0 CLOSE_WAIT 8466/java
kill that mofo with
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sudo kill -9 <PID>
in my case sudo kill -9 27050 then stop the subsonic service from sudo /etc/init.d/subsonic stop , netstat grep again to see if port 4040 is free (with the command above) and start it again with sudo /etc/init.d/subsonic start
this should be working now. in case it is not follow the previous steps before doing so and delete the /var/subsonic/db files. I did it myself but it didn't help but when i killed that PID and restarted subsonic, everything worked as a charm. sadly i have lost my setting configurations cause of the /var/subsonic/db deletion so avoid that if possible