Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

An iOS Subsonic Client

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Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

Postby abton » Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:14 pm

Just got the upgrade to v20 of Avsub on my IPhone and now cannot cast to my Chromecast Audio.

The casting was working fine in the previous version. I've checked all the settings to ensure nothing got messed up in the upgrade and they all seem fine.

When attempting to cast, I get the 'connected' message but any attempt to play anything just gives me the spinner in the middle of the screen that eventually drops me back to the Avsub main menu with nothing playing on the Chromecast.

Now having to use other apps to get music playing on the Chromecast.
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Re: Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

Postby apastuszak » Tue Jul 18, 2017 4:19 pm

Installed latest beat in Testflight. My Chromecast Audio works just fine.
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Re: Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

Postby abton » Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:14 pm

Is that the same as the version currently on the app store?

I don't have access to the beta versions in test flight so I can't check to see if that works.
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Re: Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

Postby abton » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:32 am

OK, I've done some more digging and have a better idea whats going on. The Chromecast support isn't broken as such, it just appears to not be obeying the settings in AVSub.

This is the setup that worked in v19:

Subsonic Primary Server: https://<externally resolvable dns name>
Chromecast Server: http://<internal IP address>

As I use AVSub/Subsonic away from home the Primary server was SSL secured with a self signed certificate. Chromecast doesn't work with self signed certificates so I had AVSub set up to cast with a plain HTTP address inside my own network.

In v20 this stopped working. It looks like it was trying to cast with the Primary server details rather than the Chromecast details. So I changed my server setup to have a purchased, valid SSL certificate. I then removed the Chromecast settings in AVSub as the primary would work in all usage scenarios.

Now Chromecast support works in v20. So it looks like the bug in v20 is that it ignores the Chromecast specific server settings and uses the Primary server settings instead.

An issue that affected me, but probably wouldn't be noticeable to most people.
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Re: Version 20 seems to have broken Chromecast support

Postby rich600 » Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:31 am


sorry for not chipping in! I've only just seen this thread.

I'll take a look at your use-case to see what's changed.

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