Inspired a bit by Perisonic (which as a Chrome App, is no longer supported by the browser), this is a "few frills" player designed for desktops/laptops.
Aside from the login credentials support, it is pretty much just a raw player - the front page is just Shuffle All (or a folder), Pick or shuffle a playlist, or pick a SubFire Radio generated station if using that service. The player page is pretty plain otherwise - just back, play/pause, next.
Future, i might add some easter eggs to show the current music playing time, and other optional things that won't clutter up the player page. Also might add an option to automatically start a shuffle to be closer to Perisonic's behavior.
The https version (if your server is secure) is a Progressive Web App, so you can 'install' it as an app on windows and mac boxes using Chrome. I don't recommend using it on mobile (the layout isn't optimized for it at all), but it does work there, too. or
I'll get some screenshots up later today.