einsteinx2 wrote:I am also working on rewriting the way that the songs list is stored so that it doesn't all need to be loaded in memory. This only affects those with extremely large collections such as yours. So unfortunately for now, you need to use the Artist and Album tabs to browse your collections. Thanks for your patience and please know this is being worked on, I've just had so much work to do getting all these new features coded that I've had to put that off until iSub 2.2 is released.
You'll be happy to know that since the time I posted this message, I have converted the whole app over to sqlite3 databases. This allows it to handle theoretically infinitely large music collections without crashing. So it will be in the 2.2 release after all
Also, I've updated the loading screens to show how many albums/songs have been processed so you're not just sitting there waiting.
One more special feature that switching to databases allowed me to implement -- genre browsing! Unfortunately due to the way Subsonic handles music, I was not able to implement a Genre > Artist > Album > Song browsing style, rather it's Genre > Songs. But, now you can load up a genre and shuffle it which is a highly requested feature.
I'm working my hardest to get this out as soon as possible, though each time I add another feature it adds a few days on to the release date. I just want to release the absolute best application that I can, so I feel the extra wait is worth it rather than releasing earlier with less features and more bugs.