Subsonic Android 1.5 released

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Subsonic Android 1.5 released

Postby sindre_mehus » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:49 pm

Just released Subsonic Android 1.5 on the Android Market.

What's new:

o New: Settings for max bitrate for Wi-Fi/mobile networks.
o New: Save playlist on server (available from Menu button)
o New: Shuffle playlist (available from Menu button)
o New: When resuming playlist screen, scroll to currently playing song.
o Bugfix: Remove notification when paused or last song completes.
o Bugfix: "Play all" in offline mode included non-music files.
o Bugfix: Index cache wasn't cleared in offline mode.

If you haven't done so already, please consider leaving a positive rating/comment on Android Market.

Thanks for all your past and future feedback!

Subsonic developer
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Postby AmazingLarry » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:29 pm

Great work, thank you.
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Postby wattershed » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:31 pm

Playlists were loading with about 10% success in v1.4, now they're back to loading every time.

Playlist shuffle play works great, exactly how I was hoping it'd be implemented...I really can't think of anything else I personally need, everything else would be icing on the cake.

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Postby TechAficionado » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:35 pm

Great work. Once I get some more funds in my wallet I will be donating some more to the cause. Personally this is my most used android app.
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Postby duckwars » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:27 am

Shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shufffffflllleeee!!!

I've had subsonic for about 2 months now and I donated, but I was skeptical as to wether or not new (what I felt were necessary) features would be implemented.

In the one month since I've had my evo 4g I've seen 2 updates to the app that actually gave new usability to the program, not just bug updates.

I needed shuffle 8)

I sincerely hope that a widget is on the way, but it is in no way as necessary shuffle.

Also, making playlists on the fly is awesome. Super icing on the cake. This is a feature subsonic gives that iPods/iPhones do not.
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Postby NiteFlame » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:47 pm

great job! I do very appreciate this work!

there's one thing about the shuffle playlist feature which I really would call my favourite feature: i know this might be very special but even if video streaming will be implemented again it should be possible to have some sort of tick list to decide which media folders are used for the shuffle playlist. in my case, there are five folders, but only two are containing music and i would love to limit the shuffle feature to these two folders like it is possible in subsonic web interface.
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Postby rwagter » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:58 pm

So in version 1.4 I had to do a sanity check and it seems I have to do another one with 1.5.
When selecting multiple songs to play and a song ends I have to switch on my display before the next song starts ??

I actually also had this with 1.4. I'm working with a HTC Hero kernel 2.6.29

I love being able to create playlists and shuffling them though, it keeps getting better and better !

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Postby thedaego » Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:10 pm

Great work! Donating now... :D
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Postby hansolos » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:32 pm

Any chance that when using bluetooth to play audio, when bluetooth disconnects, subsonic could pause playback?
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Postby flacflac » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:01 am

Sindre, is there no SSL support yet?
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Postby JimZ » Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:28 pm


Sorry for my english, i'am french ;)

Thank you for the app, it's very usefull.

I just have two questions for you:

On my phone, a lot of files are created with the sound after the reading. They are not removed, it's normal? It is more about streaming, but downloading more ...

mode jukebox is expected by the application?

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Postby tguless » Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:35 pm

Please note that the latest update started pushing my CPU up to 100% utilization. I think the issue is with
a) Samba being super slow with subsonic.
b) I have a massive collection
c) The Android web service request time out quickly, and request the same URLs from the server over and over until the server comes to a crawl.

Looking into the code to see if I can put directory structure caching in (with Sindre's approval of course) for us Samba users. Or to see if we can improve performance in another way.
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Postby sabbatology » Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:05 pm

Even with this newest Android release I continue to have the same issue as described before where sometimes a large number of transcodes kick off

This brings the server to its knees and I can pretty much only try to shut down the subsonic service or reboot.

It seems to happen after I've started listening to an album then do not finish... then come back later and start a new album. However, the number of transcodes getting kicked off is greater than the number track on both albums. I am guessing there is a transcode job (X2) for each track I have already downloaded.. just a guess, I have no idea how to tell what tracks are actively being processed.

This problem has rendered my favorite and most used Android app useless to me. I would be happy to provide any specific feedback that would help resolve this OR point me in a direction of what I may do to correct this.

BTW, I did donate.
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Postby upther » Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:00 pm

The latest update is causing my Droid Incredible to get really hot. Never happened before. SystemPanel says the internal temp is 106.2F. The phone won't charge properly when it gets that hot.
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Android App Request - Handle Large Playlists

Postby mluhring » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:22 pm


1.5 seems to be very stable for me. I no longer have any audio dropouts and the shuffle playlist feature is great.

I have mentioned this before and I hope you can do something to fix this in the future. The Android App does not handle opening large playlists. I have a number of playlists that have around 700 songs in them. Most times I get the "network error retrying" message. Occassionally the playlist will load, but that rarely happens. I noticed when opening these large playlists on my PC it does take a while to load, which is why (I assume) it takes so long to load on my phone. These playlists are just small text files. I am guessing there is some sort of validation going on while the file is read that takes so long. So, if you could look into this issue and see what the problem is that would be great. If there is nothing you can do, maybe a setting to increase the request timeout in the android app so the server has enough time to process these large playlists before we get the network error message on the phone.

Currently this is the only thing that bugs me about the app.

Thanks for your consideration,
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