Subsonic 4.1.beta1 has been released with important bug fixes and some new features.
Please report any issues in this thread.
Thank you

Moderator: moderators
[8/22/10 10:23:29 PM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved local Subsonic version to: 4.1.beta1
[8/22/10 10:23:29 PM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved latest Subsonic final version to: 4.0.1
[8/22/10 10:23:29 PM CDT] INFO VersionService Resolved latest Subsonic beta version to: 4.1.beta1
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] INFO PlaylistInputStream admin listening to "Katanagatari 02\1 - Refulgence.flac"
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG TranscodeInputStream Starting transcoder: [c:\subsonic\transcode\flac] [-c] [-s] [-d] [c:\Users\famish99\Music\少女病\Katanagatari 02\1 - Refulgence.flac]
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG TranscodeInputStream Starting transcoder: [c:\subsonic\transcode\lame] [-b] [128] [-] [-]
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac)
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac) 1 - Refulgence.flac: ERROR initializing decoder
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac) state = FLAC__FILE_DECODER_ERROR_OPENING_FILE
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac)
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac) An error occurred opening the input file; it is likely that it does not exist
[8/22/10 10:23:47 PM CDT] DEBUG InputStreamReaderThread (c:\subsonic\transcode\flac) or is not readable.
pdcorcoran wrote:HTTP ERROR: 404
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