randy21m wrote:I'm sorry, but I disagree with all of you "needing" to have the ID3 tags as a functionality for basis.
Feel free to disagree, tis why this is in the 'request' section and not a "Thou shall code thine app like this" section.
As for reorganizing.. I don't have nearly 200Gigs, but then again size is relative to how you rip them. I can tell you that I have 12,670 Files, 936 Folders in my music folder and another 5,752 Files, 320 Folders in my AudioBook folder.
Within my music folder the folder structure is organized currently into a few subfolders.. "Own the Disc", "Amazon Purchases", "Itunes Purchases", and "Other".
Within each of those are the standard Artist/Album structure.
While subsonic does work, I get up to 4 folders of Aerosmith for example instead of 1.
Could I combine it all? Sure... but should I ever have another HD corruption and lose my music it'll be that much harder to restore it. (That was the basis for the structure in the first place).
And as far as breaking up albums.. no way. I struggled with myself a long time before I even broke up the artist, but it was a pain to figure out where/how to restore my music when I lost it all a few years ago. (Of course now I have 2 HD's raided, so odds are good it'll never happen again).
Bottom line, is I shouldn't have to reorganize my music so that ONE application can read it properly. I have several apps that read my music and they all work off Tag caching, no reason Subsonic couldn't do the same. (Beyond the "it's not currently coded that way" issue of course).
Lastly, again this was just a feature request someone made, and quite a lot of us would like to see it implemented, which is why we're replying on the post. It's not meant to turn into a 'you should do this to your collection' discussion.