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seedoubleyou wrote:worked all the way until it was time to re-add the file with 7-Zip and received a 'memory allocation error'
tried in different folders and NG.. don't want to install Winzip simply for this..
perhaps you want to generate a custom key for us?
hogfan wrote:Has anybody got this working with a real SSL certificate yet (not a self-signed)? I don't want to generate a new RSA key. I have been able to use keytool to export my free certificate to a .keystore file, but whenever I put that in the .JAR file after renaming it to subsonic.keystore, subsonic is able to be started, but I'm no longer able to access the web interface. Does the -alias have to be "tomcat" of the keystore file? Thanks for any help.
sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.crt -keystore subsonic.keystore -storepass subsonic -keypass subsonic
hogfan wrote:Ok, well this time I'm getting something different.........I did the following:
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sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.crt -keystore subsonic.keystore -storepass subsonic -keypass subsonic
I put that in the .JAR and put it back in my "/usr/share/subsonic" folder and started the service back up. This time the page just keeps trying to load. Just spins and status bar says "Connected to mysite" Any suggestions? I notice the user who posted above said to use "subsonic" as the alias rather than Tomcat. Which alias should I be using for Subsonic 4.4? This is turning into a nightmare to get this working. I wanting to use a real SSL cert such a bad thing?
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