GJ51 wrote:@jensonc
Remember that upload speed from the server is only half the equation. I test my 3g speeds once in a while and often notice that ping times and the speeds have a wide variation. Also noticeable is that the test often shows that the data seems to run in spurts, rather than a nice even data flow.
I use the speedtest.net app. Compare results with running from a destop at:
You'll see how differently they react.
Right, and I should've known that, I'm an IT Admin for cryin' out loud. In my defense I was up on these forums for way too long last night driving my brain into the ground with this issue

After running the Xtremelabs Speedtest app from my phone, it's quite apparent how 3g could easily be affecting SS playback and causing the skips. I wish the app dispalyed a graph at the end of the test showing throughput over time. It took probably a good 5-10 second before my download even reached 100Kbps. And it took a solid minute to reach 160Kbps. Download pipe finally topped out at 280Kbps (damn Des Moines 3g is teh suck!). So it's pretty clear that the slowly-climbing download pipe while on 3g could explain the need for more buffering.
This testing goes to show that if you force 3g players down to 64 or 96 Kbps, it will buffer a lot less because it will be able to download more of the song faster. Now if there was just a way to stream the first 25% of the song at like 64Kbps and the rest at a higher bitrate