Here is my first mod based on cyclopes subsonic pack idea. There is no upload area, just changes the player to display buttons (images instead of links....and it will change to the colors in each subsonic theme including the buuftheme. Works great!!!
This mod (version 2.0) changes the more actions dropdown to icons. This mod is not resizable yet. I am working on the next one to be able to change the player based on resolution, so the user gets all options on a smaller screen.
This will change based on what theme is used. Does support all subsonic themes plus BUFF theme:
So I updated the mod with hellscreems fix and it will also support beta 2 if you have that installed.
Beta 2 must be installed first. Backup your playlist.jsp, yhen you must rename the playlist-beta2.jsp to playlist.jsp. This will add a music icon in the advanced menu for sharing.
For beta 2 users: A moded main.jsp file is included. This will remove the drop down and replace it with additional links (share & add to playlist) on the top. It saves on space and looks alot better. Backup main.jsp, then you must rename main-beta2.jsp to main.jsp.
it is ziped witht eh link above. once you open the link on the left pane, click File--> download orginial, or press CTRL+S. it will download the full zip file. Sorry its a google thing. can i change that?