how can I get the sharesettigns.jsp page to not show links to all all settings for users. I have tried to modifiy the settingsheader.jsp page
- Code: Select all
<c:set var="categories" value="${param.restricted ? 'personal password player share' : 'musicFolder general advanced personal user player share network transcoding internetRadio podcast search'}"/>
with a "<c:if test="${model.user.adminRole}">blah blah blah</c:if>" but no good.
I've also tried to modify the sharesettings.jsp portion:
- Code: Select all
<c:import url="settingsHeader.jsp">
<c:param name="cat" value="share"/>
and added
- Code: Select all
<c:param name="restricted" value="true"/>
the goal is the users will only have 4 links "personal password player share", while the admin will have all of them. I didn't want my users to see all the links (even though they are restricted from them)