cnliberal wrote:I just discovered MiniSub, and it's fantastic! I'd really love the ability to use my media keys on my keyboard with MiniSub. There's a Chrome App for the media keys for Google Music. Would it be possible to add that for Chrome?
I'm also curious why some of my album art shows as a broken image? I can see the image in the standard Subsonic website. The current image not displaying is a BMP file. Does it have to be JPG?
Currently, I've setup a separate folder for all of my Christmas music (who wants that year round?). I've created a playlist with all of the songs from that folder. I can play the playlist in MS, but it'd be nice if the screen focused on the currently playing song (like other players do (WinAmp?)). If that's not possible, then no biggie. Thanks for this great software!
I suppose if I could determine what key is pressed with JQuery I could add that functionality. I dug around on the web and didn't find much. I'll let you know if I see anything. Good idea.
The album art is picky, not sure why certain ones work while certain ones don't. This is an error with the Subsonic API. If you take the URL of the image, copy/paste that into another tab in your browser, you will see the error Subsonic generates.
I will have to experiment with multiple folders. I currently have one main folder, with subfolders for all the artists (I let iTunes organize my music). I'm not sure if the API will even let me choose folders. I'll update on my findings.
Glad you enjoy! I haven't had much to update lately, I still use MiniSub everyday at work and I'm pretty darn happy with it. Subsonic is the shit!