Oh even better! But it's too bad torrenting makes it impossible for me sometimes.
By the way, i couldn't get flac transcoding working, any ideas about that? ( Tried with both symbolic links and actual binaries in /var/subsonic/transcode )
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precipitous wrote:Regarding integrating more Last.FM data and functionality - I would LOVE to have the ability to select and play Last.FM (user) group radio in MusicCabinet much like we can now play genre radio. They have some really amazing group radio stations available like Brainwashed, The Real Dark Ambient Group, Cold Meat Industry, etc.
@Hakko - Would such a thing be possible?
vollbr0t wrote:When using the checkboxes to select some songs from the current playlist (lower frame), the automatic-refresh of the playlist-frame deselects all checked songs. Since the refresh-timer is pretty fast, it is rarely possible to check more than 5 songs and perform any action with those.
apt-get install postgresql-contrib
su postgres
createuser --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --pwprompt subsonic
createdb --owner=subsonic musiccabinet
psql -d musiccabinet
create extension pg_trgm;
subsonic.sh: add -Dmusiccabinet.jdbc.username=subsonic \
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