I don't think you need to apply that mod, I've already removed the limitation that forces people to use a *.subsonic.org address when sharing. So, when you click a share link, it should give you something like
http://<yourdomain>/share/aBcDe. <yourdomain> is based on your network settings but you can use the /share/aBcDe no matter if you access the server via a DNS name, IP etc.
Yes, sharing does work when you replace the IP address, with the appropriate DNS address. However, I was wondering if there a place I could change the IP with Name address in the settings or in a *.jsp file.
I get this now...
Which is no biggy if I email someone a link, but the FB, Google+, and Twitter links, embed the link including my host IP, not the DNS Address and that is not modifiable from their share UI.
I cannot stress enough this is so NOT a big deal, it was really just a question. I am happy copying, pasting, then modifying the address, just wondered if there was a place I could mod, or if I was doing something wrong.
Thanks again for this Mod/App Hakko, this has really opened my collection to myself and my friends.
- Jacob