I think I found a bug, maybe in subsonic in general, I'm not sure. It's about .oga tags. I have all my files tagged the same way. When I open the mp3 files on subsonic's tagger they are ok, but the .oga files are not.
.oga is just the proper name to .ogg audio only files, as you can check here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OggThe Xiph.Org Foundation decided to create a new set of file extensions and media types to describe different types of content such as .oga for audio only files, .ogv for video with or without sound (including Theora), and .ogx for multiplexed Ogg.
or here:
http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Typ ... udio.2Fogg.oga - audio/ogg
Ogg Audio Profile (audio in Ogg container)
Applications supporting .oga, .ogv SHOULD support decoding from muxed Ogg streams
Covers Ogg FLAC, Ghost, and OggPCM
Although they share the same MIME type, Vorbis and Speex use different file extensions.
SHOULD contain a Skeleton logical bitstream.
Vorbis and Speex may use .oga, but it is not the prefered method of distributing these files because of backwards-compatibility issues.
.ogg files are presented as properly tagged by subsonic. .ogg files and .oga files are the same, but just with a different extension. This little thing messes subsonic ability to properly present taggs and take them into account.
Is this information of any help to this mod?
Addenda: I've tested renaming files from .oga to .ogg and this mere change allowed subsonic to properly present the tags already present on those files.