OK. I apologize for what was supposed to pass as humor. I do realize that troublesgooting SS can be frustrating and it doesn't help to just be glib when someone is working to find an answer to a problem.
First - There is no support. This isn't Microsoft with an 800 number. The developer gets flooded with tons of email and simply doesn't have time to answer each one.
Therefore, the only support is in the form of this USER forum. That's just what this is - a USER forum where experienced users try to share what they've learned with new users that my be struggling with a problem already encountered and solved before.
Like ALL user forums - new users rarely search for answers that have already been answered hundreds of times and old timers occasionally get jaded in their answers and should probably just take a break instead of giving smart-ass answers. I can say this because I'm the biggest offender and often find myself in this very situation.
I thought I had already answered your particular situation before, but rather than doing a search, I'll try again to see if I can give you an answer that may be helpful. If it wasn't your post I answered, I know I addressed this issue very recently.
You are attemting to install and get Subsonic running on Gigapros.
http://www.gigapros.com/My son and I run somewhere around 15 websites out there in the cloud using ix webhosting and Virpus. Gigapros is the same thing, another vendor of hosting services offering a variety of hosting services. This is a whole different aninal than what a typical Subsonic user is doing. Most Subsonic installations are locally installed within the user's home network on a desktop or server within the home network. You are attempting to install Subsonic in a hosted environment. That may be possible, but I believe that can only be done if you have root access to the hostes environment. The cheaper hosting plans are typically very limited resources in a shared environment that does NOT allow root access.
In any case, I have yet to see anyone post that they have successfully done what you are trying to do. There is a company that the developer has posted will do this for anyone who wants this service, but it isn't cheap. I suspect that you need at least a virtual private server or a dedicated server package in order to install Subsonic in a cloud hosted environment.
Gigapros does offer application hosting for $10/month
http://www.gigapros.com/portal/subsonic-server which looks like a viable option. If this is the plan you've contracted for and is not working properly, then only Gigapros can fix that for you. I did notice that their "Live Demo" really only links to the Subsonic demo site and is not actually a demo of Subsonic running on one of their servers.
From their site:
Subsonic Media Server
Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer and an online jukebox. Use it to share your music with friends. Get the fastest and easiest Subsonic server at GigaPros. No more struggling with installation & configuration of your own Subsonic server. At GigaPros, you get pre-installed Subsonic music player, which works immediately out-of-the-box and includes full "admin" access! Enjoy 24/7/365 LIVE support and 99.9% uptime.
If this is what you purchased and it isn't working, then you need to contact them to find out why. No on here in the forum is likely to be able to pinpoint why or how they didn't set this up properly for you.
I hope that I have clearly addressed your particular issues and concerns and wish you the very best for this Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas!