Issue with playback

Madsonic Mashup Mod is a fork of the Subsonic 4.7 Server Build 3090 with some Subsonic Data schema modifications!

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Issue with playback

Postby gurutech » Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:15 am

I seem to be having some minor issues with playing multiple files back (in sequence, not at the same time).

Running 4.8 beta 2 (build 3292) MadSonic, Centos 6.3 Linux (Virtual, 2 cores), 4gb RAM, 2TB hard drive.

I just created a new playlist from random music, shuffled the playlist, saved the playlist, then started playing. I could not play the first song. I had to hit FF to go to the 2nd song, which began playing. Tried RW to the first song, but it still would not play. Let 2nd song play, then it stopped again at the 3rd song. Skipped that, then 4th song played OK. Now on 5th song, and it is playing fine. (And now, 6th, and 7th are playing fine.

I may try rebuilding the database from scratch, but I don't think that's what's causing the problem. Any ideas what could be causing the problem? I just checked bitrate, the two songs (so far) that haven't played are 256bps and 227bps. The others vary, but the one I checked was 320bps, so I don't think it's "over the limit" or anything.

Edit: At first, I thought this was an iSub issue, as I really only listened to music through my iPhone, but I'm listening via web now, and have the same issue....
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