OK let's debug the missing "Top artists" issue.
1. Has it ever contained any artists?
2. Are "Three months", "Six months", "Twelve months" AND "Overall" empty? No artists in any of them?
3. Time for some SQL exploration. Fire up the program pgAdmin III (comes with your PostgreSQL install). Connect to your server in the object browser (left column) and expand so that you can see your musiccabinet database. Mark it and press the "SQL" icon to run some queries.
4. Has top artists been fetched?
- Code: Select all
select lastfm_user, page, invocation_time from library.webservice_history h inner join music.lastfmuser u on h.lastfmuser_id = u.id where h.calltype_id = 7 order by u.id, h.page;
5. Has anything been put into the import table?
- Code: Select all
select * from music.usertopartist_import limit 1;
6. Any traces of your artists in the actual table?
- Code: Select all
select lastfm_user, artist_name, days from music.usertopartist t inner join music.lastfmuser u on t.lastfmuser_id = u.id inner join music.artist a on t.artist_id = a.id order by u.id, days, rank;