Just to snag credit (and critique) on my variant of the icon, the middle icon was created by myself, (in the spirit of the original new icon)
I'm completely open to changes so here's the PSD file if anyone wants to tinker around and improve on it, or let me know any critiques.
Editable Photoshop PSD FileFull sized PNGTo explain a bit my mess of a photoshop file... the group "Logo Base Combined" contains another group, "Main Logo" which is the main stuff of the logo, on top of that in the Base combined group I have some color correction. The top group, "Logo Overlay Combined" is a direct copy of the Base combined group, but the whole group is set to overlay and has some slightly different color correction. Basically, if you change anything in the Base Main logo group, copy it into the Main Logo Duplicate group as well. Pretty wonky way of working, I know, sorry about that.
[Logo Overlay Combined]
-adjustment layer
-[Main Logo Duplicate] <- this should get replaced with a copy of the main logo group if you change anything
[Logo Base Combined]
-adjustment layer-
[Main Logo] <-this is the main logo, edit this, then copy the whole group up and replace the duplicate