No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby jsonnabend » Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:32 pm

I just upgraded my Galaxy S3 to Android 4.3 (Jellybean, I think), and updated DSub to 4.3.5. I am no longer seeing track information on my car's screen when playing via bluetooth (i.e., no track title, artist, album name).

Anyone else seeing this?

- Jeff
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:33 pm


Yeah that seems to be the consensus. I posted a few test apk's to try a few different things to see if any of them change the situation, but I really have no idea what Samsung screwed up this time.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby jsonnabend » Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:44 pm

Ugh. Keep us posted. DSub still rocks, though, I must say.

- Jeff
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:16 am

Please give this latest apk a try. While trying to fix an issue between DSub and AudioGlow, their developer mentioned that GMusic add track info to the metachanged intent. DSub does not currently, because that was not how CM and all of the other roms which used that intent used it. I just changed the way DSub does it do add the track info to both of the AVRCP events. Let's see if that fixes the issue.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:10 am

Anyone have the time to check this out?
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby gleep » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:14 am

the 4.3.6 works better, I get track, artist, album when my phone connects, but as dsub goes from song to song, the info never changes, till I start the car next time.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby jsonnabend » Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:18 am

I hadn't seen this. I will give it a try and report back.

- Jeff
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby jsonnabend » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:51 pm

gleep wrote:the 4.3.6 works better, I get track, artist, album when my phone connects, but as dsub goes from song to song, the info never changes, till I start the car next time.

I can confirm this behavior as well. Getting closer, though.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby bcdudley » Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:57 pm

Been looking around for a fix for this since the last Samsung update broke my original Subsonic client. Does the new version 4.3.6 you just released fix the avrcp issue on Samsung S3 phones? I will purchase it now if it does.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:57 pm

No, it should be more or less the same as what I posted earlier. People said that it sends the metadata, but never updates it for the next songs. I still am looking as to why that could be, since I know for a fact that DSub is sending new data on each song switch.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby ataris_kid » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:39 am

Man, you'd think that these Bluetooth issues that have been so common throughout various iterations of Android over the years would've been somewhat ironed out by now (on Google's / various OEMs' end, I mean). It seems as though there's always something related to Bluetooth metadata that's broken.. Usually related to behind-the-scenes API changes that aren't well-documented. Crazy that it's still such an issue.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:23 am

What's ridiculous is that Google DID make a universal way to broadcast bluetooth metadata in Android 4.3. It was about frekin time, but then Samsung went out of there way to implement it in a way that nothing else in existence did. Samsung in general is just frustrating.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby bcdudley » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:35 pm

I installed this yesterday and it has been working great with my 2013 Ford Sync. The screen data is showing up fine. The only time it does not work properly is if I change the song from my phone instead of the steering wheel controls or the screen. I have noticed one other issue I thought I would bring up. My music will stop playing at random intervals. Sometimes it is after a few seconds, sometimes it will go for 20 minutes. If it makes a difference, all I use is bluetooth for my audio connections. So far it has done this on my Jawbone Jambox, my Plantronics headphones and my Sync. Is this a setting or a bug? This is on version 4.3.6.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby gleep » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:27 pm

Appears to be a Samsung problem, but some people who were having the same problem with other apps say they solved it by deleting the bluetooth entry in their car, deleting the pairing in their phone and deleting the bluetooth cache, then re- pairing with the car. Has anyone here gotten it to work with DSub?
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby jsonnabend » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:56 pm

I don't know if this will help, but I noticed that pausing a song for two seconds forces the display to update to the correct track information.

- Jeff
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