Couple of Feature Requests

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Couple of Feature Requests

Postby jeffgt14 » Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:31 pm

First off, I have to say this app is great and definitely the best subsonic app out there. I have just a couple of feature requests that I think would be useful. No need to do all of them (or any) just wanted to submit a few ideas.

Lyrics: It would be nice if lyrics could be pulled from ID3 tags if any existed before trying to pull from 3rd party source

Large Album Art Thumbnail View: The thumbnails on the album art seem to be a very low quality and distorts the images when browsing. Having higher quality thumbnails similar to PowerAmp would look better.

Album Sorting: Ability to sort albums by an Album Sort Order tag on top of just by Year similar to iTunes.

Details: Expand upon the existing song details section to include the Composer and Comments tags (This one may be a waste of time. I use these for information because PowerAmp shows them so I don’t know if other people do or not).
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Re: Couple of Feature Requests

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:50 pm

3 of your requests revolve around tags. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be adding anything which requires reading the tags because DSub may or may not be able to access the actual files themselves at any given point, as well as there are issues with keeping them during transcoding. PowerAmp is designed to work off individual files. DSub is designed to work off what Subsonic lists, and nothing else.

Large Thumbnail View: Before there was only a small thumbnail and the full version, so this system worked. You are probably right that I should use higher quality versions for the larger album art shown now.

Album Sorting: While looking this tag up, it looks like it is to just accomplish the same thing as the ignored articles setting is Subsonic does. The only problem is currently that is only applied to the Artists. It wouldn't be that hard to apply it to the albums sortings as well.
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Re: Couple of Feature Requests

Postby jeffgt14 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:05 pm

I’m not sure why the tags would be left out in subsonic. The music directory on my phone for Poweramp is the cached directory on DSub. When I view the tags/lyrics in poweramp it is pulling them directly from the files that are cached in DSub.
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Re: Couple of Feature Requests

Postby mikamir12 » Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:40 pm

I think what daneren wants to say to you is, that he doesn't access the MP3 file directly like poweramp does.

The app is based on the Subsonic API and currently the API doesn't give access to the lyrics of the MP3 file.
Here's an example output of the information that the API of the newest version gives:
Code: Select all
"song": {
"id": "5401",
"parent": "5402",
"isDir": false,
"title": "Death of a Martian",
"album": "Stadium Arcadium",
"artist": "Red Hot Chili Peppers",
"track": 14,
"year": 2006,
"coverArt": "5402",
"size": 5581821,
"contentType": "audio/mpeg",
"suffix": "mp3",
"duration": 264,
"bitRate": 168,
"path": "Red Hot Chili Peppers/Stadium Arcadium/2-14 Death of a Martian.mp3",
"isVideo": false,
"discNumber": 2,
"created": "2014-05-02T20:04:56.000Z",
"albumId": "2",
"artistId": "0",
"type": "music"

It wouldn't make sense for daneren to implement another way to access the tags of local stored files when there is already an easy and well working way.

So in the end it's up to the subsonic devs to extend the API for more tags until DSub have them included.
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Re: Couple of Feature Requests

Postby daneren2005 » Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:13 am

Yes that was what I meant.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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Re: Couple of Feature Requests

Postby jeffgt14 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:24 pm

Thanks that makes sense. Looks like embedded lyrics are only on the Madsonic API and not the Subsonic.
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Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:35 pm

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