[REQ] Cache Library Database on Device

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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[REQ] Cache Library Database on Device

Postby rubbersoul » Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:45 pm

Would it be possible to have the option to cache the library list (list of artists, their albums, and album art) directly on our devices (not the music files themselves)? basically allow us to browse through the library without contacting the server at all until something is selected to play? Maybe with an option to specify an automatic update interval. The pulldown action at top of list refresh method should manually contact the server for updates as it already does now.

My reasoning for asking this is to speed up browsing around and minimizing the time spent waiting for "contacting server, please wait." and also to have album art load instantly rather than very slowly. It appears that you already do some of this caching when something is recently viewed which makes the loading of those views very quick. Basically, it would make it feel like your whole library is already on the device improving the browsing experience. I know it would take a significant amount of time for the first caching to take place, but the results would be worth the wait imo!
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