Feature request: metadata in m4a files

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Feature request: metadata in m4a files

Postby threster » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:37 pm


I transcode my music to AAC (ADTS stream) format for my phone, because of smaller file sizes. I'm very happy using DSub.
However I also sometimes use other music players on Android, cause not all my music is in subsonic (yet). Unfortunately, DSub writes the downloaded/caches songs without tags. It does write the m4a container files (partial or complete), with the aac/adts stream in it.

My request: on completing downloading a song, can the metadata (title, artist, album) be fetched from the server and added to the m4a container file?

Many Thanks! :D
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Re: Feature request: metadata in m4a files

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:38 am

DSub downloads exactly what Subsonic serves up. No I'm not going to be writing something to add the metadata when it gets stripped out by the transcoding process. That needs to be fixed on the server end.
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Re: Feature request: metadata in m4a files

Postby acc3d » Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:16 am

This is actually a long-standing problem with Subsonic. It is currently NOT possible to stream AAC and get metadata, which is annoying for mobile apps. We should probably bring this up in the main forum, because it's problematic for anybody wanting to get higher quality audio and avoid MP3 compression.
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