Transcoding Experiments

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Does using two step transcoding - using FFmpeg and Lame - create a better sound?

YES, I think so
NO, there is no difference
FFmpeg does a better job solo
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Transcoding Experiments

Postby PieterB » Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:39 pm

I looked into FFmpeg & Lame, in relation to my FLAC music collection.

Using just FFmpeg as Step 1, this is the most simple downsampling syntax:
ffmpeg -i %s -b:a 192k -f mp3 -
And it works. Leave Step 2 empty.

It could be that my ears are tricking me, but it seems that transcoding to WAV with FFmpeg:
Step 1
ffmpeg -i %s -f wav -
Step 2
downsampling to 192 kbps MP3 with Lame:
lame -b 192 - -

gives a clearer - less distorted - sound.

You'll have to download the latest codecs:
and copy ffmpeg.exe and lame.exe & lame_enc.dll to ....\subsonic\transcode

Let me know what you think.
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Re: Transcoding Experiments

Postby j3tblk » Thu May 21, 2015 8:11 am

Damn. This does sound better. It shouldn't but my god it's is clearer to my ears.
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Re: Transcoding Experiments

Postby PieterB » Thu May 21, 2015 9:47 am

Nice to find - eventually, after more than one year - some acknowledgement. What kind of music do you have? And how much? Only interested in FLAC....
Thanks for answering - use PM.
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